There may be no standardized definition of a good life. Nonetheless, the definition of a good life given by most people presents various common elements; elements that bear common dispositions that make up life. My perception of a good life is made up of ideas of productivity and a healthy lifestyle.
Having a healthy life is perhaps the first prerequisite to a good life. The paradigms of health are physical and spiritual and mental. Physical health is the ability to function well- it ensures that the body functions in an optimal and most desirable way. Mental health ensures adaptation to human normative and moral consigns. For spiritual health, we stay close with God and maintain an acceptable relationship with fellow human beings on religious principles.
Additionally, productivity is an indispensable element of a good life. My view of life is a combination of work, proper income, time for relaxation and perfect management of money. Having a job enables the earning of income. However, obsession with money can be exceedingly costly in terms of relationships. We may lose social life in an attempt to earn too much money. Conversely, an idle way of life that is full of holidays may be too costly on the resources we have. This goes hand in hand with extravagance in expenditure. Anyone who manages his resources and work time well is bound to have adequate time to interact with all loved ones. At the same time, such a person has resources required for family expenses and bills. In my view, productive life is the first step to a good life. In my view, a combination of productive and healthy life make up for all that can be considered as a good life.