Throughout this course I have wrote multiple pieces on multiple subjects. This statement looks to discuss these pieces individually and in their entirety so you have a better understanding as to why I wrote these pieces and my thought process behind them. I will be breaking this statement up into separate paragraphs that will each discuss a separate writing that I have done for this course.
My first discussion will be about my paper discussing Sherlock Holmes from the perspective of someone living in the 21st Century. The paper aimed to discuss how Sherlock Holmes became so popular throughout time and why he is still that popular to this day. Throughout the paper I used quotations as well as supporting sources to discuss the fact that Sherlock was not only a character in a story, but was also influential on society as a whole. By doing this I was able to connect the reader to the idea of Sherlock Holmes being an influential member to not only the literary community but to humanity and to the human community as a whole. My main focus was that the idea of the “bromance” was brought about by Sherlock Holmes and that this new idea was what drove the series to such a great success. The idea of “bromance” was introduced by Sherlock Holmes and propelled it into being one of the most influential dramas of all time. Looking back on the work I wish I utilized my sources a little more clearly, as there is much discussion about Sherlock Holmes that could have been used.
My next work was about being a foreigner in the United States of America. This personally was one of my favorite and most personal works that I have ever wrote. Throughout the paper I discuss statistics that show the amount of people that go to America in order to study, and other supporting facts. The main purpose of this work was to discuss my own personal experience in America and how it relates to the rest of the paper. This paper is one of my favorite writing accomplishments because of how personal it is to me and how much it means that people read about my own experiences visiting America as someone who had difficulty speaking English, and obviously had a very minimal knowledge of the American culture. Looking back on the work there is very little that I would change. I am happy with how it turned out and I am extremely happy about how I have chosen to share my experiences.
My next writing assignment discussed consumerism. Through the research of consumerism my main focus was the tracking of customer’s preferences by looking at their online buying history. My paper focused heavily on online advertising, which obviously holds a great amount of duty in the purchasing decisions made by the online consumer. Throughout the paper I discussed the advantages and the disadvantages of online advertising. A few of these issues were the affordability of the online advertising as well as the access to the numerous amounts of consumers that online advertising would reach. The weaknesses discussed were ones such as the distraction of the customer as they are on the web, this discuss was important to understand as advertisement is a product that no consumer goes out looking for, it must be presented in a way that is obvious yet not a hindrance to the consumer. Online advertising is nice because it allows for multiple messages to get out quickly and cheaply, but it is not as obvious as a television commercial or a large billboard. Looking back on my paper I wish I had made more of an effort to tie together the usage of the online advertising research I found with the fact of tracking consumer spending. I did touch on consumer spending by discussing the online advertising, as they are obviously related, but I do believe I could have done a better job in making this obvious throughout the entire paper, not just the conclusion and the introduction.
The last piece of work that I will be discussing is probably my most controversial. It looked at the difference between male and female managers and who was the most effective. To begin the paper I placed a strong focus on the woman manager and stressed their weaknesses and their strengths. By doing this I am setting up the comparison that was desired by my paper, one that compared the woman and the man in the management role. Moving on from the pros and the cons of the woman manager I discussed the pros and the cons of the male manager. These discussions allowed me to lead into the final discussion of the comparison of the two. I was extremely happy with the way I incorporated statistics and sources into my paper and cited those sources.
Overall, I chose these papers because they all touched a specific place in my life and in my mindset. I have shown an interest in all these topics throughout my school career and was happy I was able to attack these writings through this course. My ability to utilize sources, more specifically statistics, was a great help in explaining my thoughts and my processes throughout the paper writing process. I chose to not simply use quotations and other people’s beliefs but I also decided to discuss my opinions on these facts and these quotations. By supporting my beliefs with quotations I was able to successfully incorporate all four topics into my discussions.
My Statement Essay Samples
Type of paper: Essay
Topic: Customers, Advertising, Sherlock Holmes, Consumer, Dialogue, United States, Idea, Writing
Pages: 4
Words: 950
Published: 10/28/2021
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