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Mystical experience is characterized by the achievement of inner harmony and the connection with the surrounding world, the feeling on the deeper level that everything exists in Oneness. Mystical experiences give a person an opportunity to go beyond the limits of their conscious mind and see the world around them more clearly and deeply. It is generally achieved through special practices, such as prayer, meditation and art, but still different people manage to achieve this state by their own means. It is difficult to define exactly what mystical experience is, as it is so deep and complicated that sometimes the language is not enough to explain the concept. However, mystical experience definitely gives a person a feeling of unity and harmony within the world. It allows losing one’s personality and the feeling of physical body, as if one dissolves and at the same time unites with the bigger entity. A person feels the completeness of the universe, and can access the hidden knowledge, which is out of reach under different circumstances. Such experiences are temporary and do not last long; however, their healing effect can really change a person’s life, attitudes and generally perception of the world. People may become more relaxed, positive and comfortable with their lives.
The science often disregards the objective possibility for mystical experience to happen. However, the enormous work of scientists has already proven that the space that people assumed “was empty is actually full of living essence” (FenandiCreations) and there are studies that claim that there is a place in science and in the world in general for purposeful presence and God. Nevertheless, the science does not have an explanation for the mystic experience, as a thing that happens inside of a person’s body. It is essential for a Western person to understand that every experience one has on a daily basis is influencing “the physical reality of our world” (FenandiCreations). It means that not only people are able to influence their inner world with the help of mystical experience, but also change the reality, the objective world through this living matter that is everywhere around us.
Once I had an opportunity to experience a state that I believe was a mystical experience. Before that I did not think much of possibility to experience it during my life. However, this experience was not religious; but I consider it highly spiritual. I was sitting at the top of a mountain and breathing the fresh air. I could see the cloudy sky and the fascinating landscapes that extended in front of me. I was not meditating, but I was watching the mountains around me for a long time. It was so peaceful and quiet, when suddenly it happened without any planning or a warning. I just saw everything differently, at first the colors and shapes, then the landscapes, the time and the world in general. I felt like something inside of me has changed. The sky, the mountains, the air felt like the part of me, while I saw myself as an essential part of the universe. Everything existed in the unity at that moment, and the world seemed so simple, well-organized and complete. It was totally immersed in this unity and completeness. My mind was free, and I could not imagine how I lived without seeing it before. I am not sure how much time it lasted, but probably no more than 15 minutes. Nevertheless, during such a short period of time I discovered more than I could possibly expect. After that I felt renewed, as if I regained something that I lost long ago, something I was searching for, but was never able to encounter. I spent the whole week with exceptionally positive mood. It happened a year ago, but I continue thinking about it, and the memory of the experience does not seem to fade. It had positive effect on my world perception and inner harmony and overall well-being.
Work cited
FenandiCreations. “ONENESS (pt.1/10) Where Science Meets Ancient Mysticism”. 2013, July 21 Web. 20 January. 2016. <>