It has always been the case that those with power go away with anything they want. This is mostly experienced in the African continent where it is said that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Mining brings with it many aspects such as the resettlement of individuals from their land so that exploration can be done but there are cases where individuals are removed forcefully from their land for mining to be done. The article presents two cases where big companies of course get what they want but using different approaches.
In the first case, the people of Chisumbanje Zimbabwe were removed from their land without even their consent and they were not compensated for their property. This happened when a company named Green Fuel ploughed over the crops of individuals and made the land ready for their planting . The land of the villagers was sold to this company and no one had knowledge of that and as such they were not compensated in any way.
The second case analyzed involves a company named RioTinto. This company identified an area where there were minerals and they made a resettlement plan for the people living on the land where there were minerals. The resettlement plan involved building of schools, health centres among others as well as training the community. They also planted crops for the people so that they would get them ready for harvesting when they are relocated.
`From the above, we may conclude that some big companies whose countries have laws that protect the citizens end up benefiting the people even though they may resettle them. Even though this is so, some companies exploit individuals and they get away with it which is not good in any way.
Work Cited
Michael, Hobbes. "The Untouchables". Foreign Policy. N.p., 2016. Web. 19 Apr. 2016.