Net neutrality is the principle that all internet service providers should be able to provide all content and applications without blocking any content without regard to the source of the website. This means that network consumers are not able to have some applications unless they upgrade their membership. It is common to see internet service providers blocking some features like being able to host email servers on the consumer infrastructure. With this, it is not possible to have some services for the consumers unless the consumers will enhance their subscriptions. They will be able to have these features if they upgrade to be a business (Nunziato, 2009). Some of the restricted features include SMTP and HTTP. The national ruling invalidated net neutrality. This means that there will be no content that will be blocked for access. All the content will be accessible to consumers. It means that there will be no content that will be hidden from the public and the users. With this ruling, consumers and users will have not protection on regulations. This is a blow to content creators, consumers and is also a blow to competition. With this ruling, it will not be possible for internet service providers to block any content for consumers (Cheng, Bandyopadhyay, & Guo, 2011).
The ruling has effects on the current media technologies because there will be no competition on the creation of content. With this, telephone companies will be able to choose which companies to award more bandwidth. High speeds will be awarded to some companies who are able to pay for these services (Pil Choi, & Kim, 2010). This means that those companies which are able to pay for the extra bandwidth will be able to get access to the services without any blocking of some content. Media technologies will be biased because they will get traffic according to the size of the bandwidth that they have been able to buy from the telephone and cable companies (Musacchio, Schwartz, & Walrand, 2009). Without net neutrality, these companies could have been able to buy these services as independent services instead of having the services integrated with the normal internet service connectivity. The affected modern technologies will be startups. This is because they will find a biased and unleveled ground in which to compete. It will be hard to compete with companies which have been in the market for that long. It will be impossible to have competition for that long (Hahn, & Wallsten, 2006).
The companies which oppose the ruling include FCC which argues that telephone companies like Timers Warner and Comcast have control on controls over some companies and will favor some companies over others. FCC was the ones who came up with the need to have net neutrality. This is because of an incident where Comcast disrupted the network of Bit Torrent in 2007. The companies who are in support of the ruling include telephone companies who insist that they should be able to control the content that they offer to customers. The companies that supported this ruling include such companies like Times Warner and Comcast who are the providers of telephone services. This is an important aspect that should be undertaken with the development of the internet (Lee, & Wu, 2009).
This ruling will be affected by the merger in that the data that will be handled by the two companies will have to be protected. Comcast has been in the limelight for most of the year for the wrong reasons. The merger will affect Time Warner and so there will be a need to review the ruling so that they will be fair to both parties (Crowcroft, 2007).
Cheng, H. K., Bandyopadhyay, S., & Guo, H. (2011). The debate on net neutrality: A policy perspective. Information Systems Research, 22(1), 60-82.
Crowcroft, J. (2007). Net neutrality: the technical side of the debate: a white paper. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 37(1), 49-56.
Hahn, R. W., & Wallsten, S. (2006). The economics of net neutrality. The Economists' Voice, 3(6).
Lee, R. S., & Wu, T. (2009). Subsidizing creativity through network design: Zero-pricing and net neutrality. The Journal of Economic Perspectives, 61-76.
Musacchio, J., Schwartz, G., & Walrand, J. (2009). A two-sided market analysis of provider investment incentives with an application to the net-neutrality issue. Review of Network Economics, 8(1).
Nunziato, D. C. (2009). Virtual freedom: net neutrality and free speech in the Internet age (p. 19). Stanford, CA: Stanford Law Books.
Pil Choi, J., & Kim, B. C. (2010). Net neutrality and investment incentives. The RAND Journal of Economics, 41(3), 446-471.