This paper attempts to explore some of the components of the neuroscience approach to the study of psychology. One would realize that the study of the brain and its functions have lead to great insight into the study of human behavior and also the study of behavioral abnormalities in humans. The reason why I agree with the Neuroscience perspective is that it continues to lead the way as we continue to unravel the mystery of the human mind, the behavior and its disorders. Neuroscience has led to a lot of advances in the field of study of human behavior in the past and even today, a lot of research is still being carried out to shed more light.
The neuroscience perspective looks for an explanation of abnormal behavior that is primarily in the individual. This perspective concentrates on the way the individual's brain and other systems of the body function and how these functions affect human behavior. Central to the neuroscience perspective is the issue of the relationship between the psychological and physical aspects of the functioning. In other words, the mind-body issue. The mind and the body are two complex entities. This talk about the effect that experiences of the mind affects the body and also changes in the body chemistry can affect an individual's behavior and emotion. It is not realistic to assume that the mind and the body functions as separate entities.
Behavioral Genetics
Genetic inheritance affects both physical traits and behavior alike. However, the extent to which the genes affect behavior has however not been completely elaborated. The human genome holds up to about 2000 genes. There are some behavioral traits that are controlled by single traits. There are other behaviors that are controlled by more than one gene (they are polygenic in nature). Medical research is the diathesis-stress model. The diathesis-stress model elaborates that some genes or a combination of genes lead to a constitutional predisposition towards some disorders. Abnormal behavior may result from a product of this predisposition and environmental influences.
The nature Vs Nurture issue
Some research studies, including family studies, twin studies and adoption studies have been used to elaborate on the issue of nature versus nurture.
Of huge significance is the Minnesota Study of Twins reared apart. This study began in 1979 and the sample size included 100 set of twins who were separated when they were young and reunited when they became adults. The research yielded some conclusions which included the fact that variability in behavior of those twins reared apart can be accounted for by genetic factors. Also, the fact that they are being reared apart in the same environment did not have a significant effect on the development of their psychological traits which turned out to be similar. However, the twin studies did not completely discount the effect of environment. The explanation made for this was individuals that possess the same genotype are usually exposed to the same type of environment therefore; the effect of environment tends to cancel out.
Also, from another study by Bouchard in 1990, it was discovered that monozygotic twins who were reared apart have the tendency of selecting similar environments. By so doing, the similar environments impact on their behavior leading to the conclusion that there is a significant interaction between environment and heredity.
A lot of research studies have provided insight into the study of human behavior. The findings of such studies usually being up more questions that needs to be answered in the form of more research.
Molecular Genetic studies
This type of research seeks to identify the specific genes that are implicated in behavioral disorders. The results of these studies have concluded that genes located close to each other on a chromosome tend to be inherited together.
Drug Treatment
The up regulation and down regulation of neurotransmitters have been influenced to lead to change in behavior. Drugs are also used nowadays for the management of psychological disorders. However, one issue that still needs to be addressed is the issue of side effect of drugs which could be sometimes is unpleasant to the user. Moreover, the use of drugs in treatment raises the question of whether the intervention is only in the treatment of the symptom without treating the root cause of the behavioral change. Several drug classes that are used in treating psychological disorders include anxiolytic drugs, sedative-hypnotics, antipsychotic drugs, antidepressants and mood stabilizers.
The Anatomy of the Brain
It is essential to have a good understanding of the knowledge of the anatomy of the brain in order to understand psychopathology. The different lobes of the brain handle different functions which have been a subject of debate over time. Each lobe of the brain performs separate functions. These lobes are also connected to one another and the function of one lobe affects the function of the other lobes. The other parts of the brain have also been subjects of focus for specific psychological disorders. For instance, a malfunction of the temporal lobe has been associated with the memory loss that is present in Alzheimer’s disease. Also, abnormalities in the size of some structures of the brain have also been implicated in schizophrenia, and the hypothalamus is been investigated in relation to the disorders of body weight which includes obesity and bulimia.
Psychosurgery was performed in the past in order to treat psychological disorders. For instance, Egas Moniz performed prefrontal lobotomy in patients who are uncontrollably violent. The result of the surgery is the severing of the connection between the frontal lobe of the brain and the emotional areas which are found deep in the brain. The patients became calm although some of the patients became too "calm" as they became sluggish and others became vegetative.
In conclusion, this paper has been able to elaborate on some of the areas in which neuroscience has contributed to the field of study of human behavior and some of the disorders of human behavior.