In deed, the New Century Health Clinic is in the right path for making the possible arrangements to plan its future operations. Moreover, it involves the participation of a professional Precision Planning consultancy firm. In addition to that, its management is so much concerned with development based on the wise use of communication as a tool to achieving this.
As a senior project assistant, I can show my expertise by serving the interests of my client to ensure proper execution to its satisfaction. At the same time, I will observe all the instructions outlined by Charlie West, my supervisor. I will be important to give them the most feasible concepts well enough in line with the modern project management approaches most appropriate to this situation. I will provide them with well illustrated explanations with lots of admirable clarity, neatness, simplicity and informative concepts.
Consequently, I will include in my presentation, the history and overview of the entire project. It will be well detailed to further include the explanations of the how the whole presentation should be done so as to fulfill the demands of Dr. Jones with the whole of his team. Along side this, will be a consideration of the time factor. It will indicate the right schedule that can be put in place to help in delivering the right presentation for the entire project.
Lastly, in odder to give the New Century Health Clinic the timely, quality and cost effective project, the Gantt and PERTICPM charts will need to be used as well. Detailed explanations will be given on how suitably it can be used in the planning, tracking, execution and the development of the project. Surely, these are the only concepts that will enable the clinic to successfully develop its proposed information system.