What is your understanding about Non-Governmental Organizations?
Many countries benefit from the help of several organizations in the improvement of their; economies, healthcare system, education, and other sectors (Worker, 2007). These organizations are independent and thus do not fall under government control in any country; thus their name, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs). These organizations are non-profit and managed by voluntary groups at various levels; international, national, and local.
These bodies have various purposes. First and foremost, they make governments aware of the challenges citizens face. For instance, in the case of a disease outbreak, they make concerned governments aware of situations on the ground and how to handle it. They carry out roles of advocacy and monitoring of the implemented policies; they ensure the policies are working for the citizens; benefit (Nelson, 2007). They also provide information encouraging the political involvement in the promotion of quality life. Some of them include; Africa Harvest Biotech Foundation International, America Friends of Service Committee, African Population and Health Research Center, Arise Child Development Organization, and Olive Leaf Foundation.
Though some NGOs perform generalized activities, some concern themselves with issues such as; environmental conservation, human rights protection, health improvement, development, children and youth, and peace-building. They provide relevant information, funds and human resource to handle arising challenges (Worker, 2007). Such organizations have goals they seek to achieve through their activities. Their goals align with those of international humanitarian bodies such as; the United Nations and World Vision.
In most countries, the government’s and people’s efforts are not enough to achieve and maintain quality living standards. With the help of NGOs, they are able to deal with a variety of challenges such as; poverty, desertification, diseases, HIV/AIDS, and illiteracy. Despite their varied roles, they all work towards a common purpose; the promotion of human good (Nelson, 2007).
Worker, E. D., and Ahmed, F. Z. (2007). ‘What do Non-Governmental Organizations Do?’ Journal of Economic Perspectives, Available:
Nelson, J. (2007). ‘Operation of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in a World of Corporate and other Codes of Conduct.’ Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative, Available: