What would you like to achieve in completing your Case Study?
After reading the case study on Sen. Jim Norman’s acceptance of his guilt after committing an unethical thing through acceptance of a gift of $500, 000 and not disclosing when submitting the financial disclosure form in 2010 really meant a lot to me on the issue of ethics. Unethical practices often bore holes into ones consciousness and evoke feelings of guilt. Sen. Jim Norman was constantly haunted by that issue from all sides by the media and his people, thereby coming up with the decision of putting his past behind once and for all through settling that amount.
What 3 topics have you considered in rank order from most desirable to least?
The case study evokes memories of the following three topics: Ethics, human consciousness and guilt.
How will studying these topics help you achieve your goal?
In studying these three topics, I would have a better understanding about ethical issues, reasons why human beings commit unethical practices and also get a glimpse of how the human mind works after it has done something unethical.
How much material is available for your research in each topic?
There are many research materials available. Some of them exist in library books, journals, and internet sources.
What is another key open-ended question you considered in making your selection?
Why do human feel guilty after committing ethical crimes.
WFLA, 9. (2012, March 12). Norman Ethics Case Heads To Florida Senate. Retrieved January 22, 2013, from 957the beat.com: http://www.957thebeat.com/go/news/sections/newsarticle.html?feed=124415&article=9976840