(Author, Department, University,
Corresponding Address and email)
Nurses have an important role in the delivery of health care, and the role of nurse managers and leaders is even more important as they have not only to fulfill their day-to-day responsibilities, but they also have to lead the health care team according to the changes in this rapidly advancing world (Rashid Al-Abri, 2007).
In order know the ability to cope with the daily responsibilities and to fulfill the required demands of the management and leadership, the Nurse Manager Inventory Tool has been developed (Waters, 2014). This inventory helps in self-evaluation that is combined with the assessment of nurse manager’s supervisor, thereby helping in the development of professional development plan (AHRQ, 2014). It has three parts: (1) The Science: Managing the Business, (2) The Art: Leading the People, and (3) The Leader Within: Creating the Leader in Yourself (AACN, 2006). Our main concern is the third part “The Leader Within” having four content areas: Personal and Professional Accountability; Career Planning; Personal Journey Disciplines, and Reflective Practice Reference Behaviors/Tenets.
Personal and Professional Accountability
Personal and professional accountability has four points.
The first point is related to personal growth and development, including educational growth, career planning, self-assessment, and action plans. At this point, I think I am a kind of “Competent” as I keep on assessing myself and like to make plans in my life. Therefore, I have plans in career, and doing the right things as much as possible. However, in case of education, I think more education is always required to fulfill the responsibilities with good knowledge.
Second point relates to ethical behavior and practice, including nursing practice according to standards and scope of practice. In this point, I think I am an “Expert” as my experience has helped me in developing standards of nursing practice in my profession.
The third point is related to membership in a professional association and involvement in facilitating the networking and professional development. I rate myself as an “Expert” in this point too, as I have already joined an appropriate professional organization and involved in the networking with other professionals.
Fourth point relates to certification in an appropriate field or specialty. In this point, I rate myself as an “Expert” as I have a nursing certification and also trying to get certificates in related specialties.
Career Planning
Career planning has three points.
The first point is related to the knowledge of the rule associated with the current job, and comparing the role with the current level of practice. At this point, I rate myself as “Competent” as I have a good knowledge about my job and I am well-aware of the role associated with this job, but sometimes, my level of practice is not according to the role of the job. This decrease in the level of practice is due to some burden of work.
The second point is related to the knowledge about the future. This point includes the planning for the future in the career and the use of resources to achieve a particular goal in the future. Moreover, it also deals with the requirements of health care in the future. I think, I am “Competent” in this point. I keep on planning and checking the points that may help in the future.
Third point relates to the flexible positioning in the future scenarios. It is related to the development of career path to move flexibly according to future scenarios. I rate myself as a “Novice” in this point, and I need improvement, so that my career would be developed according to the future scenarios. I have to develop skills to position myself and develop such a career path that would be according to the future scenarios.
Personal Journey Disciplines
Personal journey disciplines have three points.
The first point is related to the knowledge of shared leadership and/or council management. I rate myself as “Novice” in this point as I require more knowledge and practice in the management of councils and shared leadership.
The second point is related to the utilization of the techniques of “action learning” for problem-solving and decision-making. I would rate myself as “Competent” in this point.
The third point is related to the knowledge as well as practice of thinking as a leader. I would rate myself as “Novice” in this point, but strongly believe that with more practice and experience, I can become an “Expert”.
On the basis of this content, my weaknesses include the knowledge and practice as a leader and council manager. However, I have some skills of decision-making and planning, so I can become a good leader with practice.
Reflective Practice Reference Behaviors/Tenets
Reflective Practice Reference Behaviors/Tenets has nine points
The first point is related to the presence of integrity and truth. I rate myself as an “Expert” as I know that people around me, believe my words.
The second point is the learning to work comfortably in the presence of ambiguity. I think, I am a kind of “Competent” in this point as sometimes, it is difficult for me to work in an ambiguous situation, but with practice, I can learn to work in such situations.
The third point is the appreciation of diversity, i.e. race and gender etc. I think, I am an “Expert” in this point.
The fourth point is the holding of multiple perspectives without predefined judgment. I think, I am “Novice” in this point.
The fifth point is the ability to discover hidden potential. I am an “Expert” in this point.
The sixth point is related to the use of interest and adventure in learning new things. I am an “Expert” in this point.
The seventh point is related to the use of reflective learning. In this point, I am “Competent”.
The eighth point is related to the increase of knowledge of the world as well as development of emotional self. I am “Competent” in this point.
The ninth point is related to the constant renewal of motivation, and I am “Expert” in this point.
My important weak point in this content is related to the holding of multiple perspectives without predefined judgment, and I need a lot of practice in this point.
Use of Current Leadership Skill
I have strong planning skills, and I know the nursing practice standards and ethics and can use these skills effectively. I can also work on the points in which I am very weak or “Competent” and make them stronger. I can also improve the abilities of others for better nursing practice. Moreover, I can use workplace diversity for the betterment of outcomes related to the nursing practice.
Personal Goal
One personal goal of mine is to improve the knowledge and practice of thinking as a leader. I think with more exposure to nursing leaders and managers, and with the help of my immediate seniors, I can improve my knowledge and can better practice nursing leadership.
AACN. (2006). Nurse Manager Inventory Tool. Retrieved from http://www.aacn.org/managerskillsinventory
AHRQ. (2014). Nurse Manager Inventory Tool. Retrieved from https://innovations.ahrq.gov/qualitytools/nurse-manager-inventory-tool
Rashid Al-Abri, M. (2007). Managing change in healthcare. Oman medical journal, 22(3).
Waters, H. G. (2014). Nurse Manager Role Perception in an Acute Care Facility: Gardner-Webb University.