As Nurse Manager, I would implement a new system that is designed to increase the efficiency of the nursing program, by decreasing the amount of information that nurses have to take down, and record in reports, for incoming patients. The key objective is to increase efficiency, so that nurses can spend a greater amount of time on patient care, and less time on record keeping or initial report style paperwork. This will not only reduce the number of nurse shat the care center needs on staff at a given time, but will also improve patient experiences by ensuring that the nurses providing care have more time to spend on actively meeting the physical needs of patients in their care. There are three specific ways that I could act upon this idea: First to create a database that would allow the care taker to have immediate access to previous records, to autofill in the report, second to replace current patient files, which are in the form of a paper binder, with tablets, by ensuring that there is a tablet for each nurse on staff, so that files can be displayed on the tablet, saving time it would take to look for a file, or add pages to it, and finally, getting the nurses beepers that inform them when they have a new patient, so that they can check the system for the new patients information. Each of these actions will be explored more in depth below.
The first action taken would be to create a system that uses a database to compile previoius medical records. This would allow the care provider, in this case a member of the nursing staff to autofill reports, using previously collected information, to prevent redundancy in collection of information. It would also ensure that data was more complete by providing information about medical history, prescription information, and other personal data is more complete. The nurse will have access to all relevant medical history information, even things that the client might forget to report. The nurse can then simply ask the client for updates, and to validate the information that the system provides, and avoid unnecessary lines of questioning.
The second course of action I would puruse is in replacing the current paper binder system with tablets. This has sevral really signifcnat benefits. First it increases the sustainability of the medical practice by reducing paper use. It also ensure s hat records are not lost, and that they are all placed appropariately withing the file, because filing occurs automatically, as a result of the programming in the system. The tablet can also be handed to the patient or their proxy for them to fill in information in reports and forms, to validate information, to sign health directives, HIPPA agreements and other forms electronically, to ensure that all information is filed as it should be. This also saves the time that would previously have been required to file additional forms or paperwork into the patients personal medical file, because it occurs automatically when the file is electronically completed.
Finally, the third action I would take would be to give the nurses a beeper so that every time they get a new patient they will get paged, and will know to check the system for new patient information. This will save time and energy as the nurses move between patients, so that they do not have to return to the main desk to receive their next assignment or collect the needed files. By moving between the patients’ rooms more quickly, they will be able to spend more time on patient care, and will reduce patient wait times.
Nurse Manager: Action And Improvement Essay Examples
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