Nutrition or nourishment is regarded as the provision of body cells with materials vital to support life. The food one eats tends to have an effect on their health, and research shows that majority of health problems and ailments can be averted by eating a healthy diet (Scarlet 23). Supplements and vitamins, nutritional diet and mild exercise have shown that they can go a long way in preventing cancer, heart disease, obesity, and make an individual look and feel great On the other hand; medication is regarded as a substance or drug that is used as a medicine (Shils, et al 11). Medication is adopted as an area in human expertise and knowledge which have always been aimed at bringing back and restoring the human health. Speaking without false modesty, medication or administration of a medicine is thus regarded as a science which has relation towards detection, prevention, alleviation and cure of any human diseases (Mitchell 38). Therefore, this research proposal tries to investigate that good nutrition is key to disease control and prevention and that with medication as a backup, one can be able to live a long, prosperous, and happy life.
Purpose of the study
The purpose of the study is to investigate how the effects of good nutrition can be used to control and prevent diseases.
Objectives of the study
The study will have the following objectives;
Assumptions of the study
Respondents participating in the study will provide truthful information
Effects of nutrition can go a long way in preventing diseases like cancer, heart disease, obesity, and make an individual look and feel great.
Literature Review
Nutrition has offered solutions to many diseases which in recent past have concentrated on contemporary medication. Elements of nutrition enable an individual to maintain dietary changes, which promote healthier eating habits and adoption of a therapeutic diet (Shils, et al 45). Complementary health products have zero percent fatalities as compared to medication, and they are very safe. Medications are purposely adopted to treat specific symptoms, while natural supplements and vitamins, nutritional diet and mild exercise provides the body with a complete arsenal of nutrients, which helps the body re-establish and restore itself and as a result eradicate the symptom for which the medicine was intended and prescribed. Generally medication tries to cure the symptom, while proper nutrition eradicates the symptom potentially (American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada 34).
Nutrition and natural products such as vitamins and supplements, and mild exercise restore the body by technically reflecting on the agents causing the disease and basis of a condition, unlike medications which worsen the diseases by slowly poisoning the body. Many diseases at the moment have no specific therapeutic treatment which can be used or adopted to assuage its effects (Djehuty 1). As a consequence, one form of treatment which works out well for one patient may be unfavorable or not work out at all in another individual. In addition, the similarities of symptoms of many diseases often make treatment using contemporary medications cumbersome and non –specific, thus exposing the body to drugs toxins. Nutrition and natural products such as vitamins and supplements, and mild exercise solve this issue by providing an arsenal of nutrients, which not only eliminates the disease completely but also make an individual look and feel great (Kopelman 51). Mild exercise on the other hand allows the body to loose fat, which help reduce blood pressure, glucose or cholesterol level, thus solving issues related to obesity, heart diseases, and cancer. Supplements and vitamins are believed to heal diseases by purifying the blood through cleaning of the liver, kidneys and spleen, where they are principally detoxify carcinogens and toxins, causative agents of cancer, throughout the human body. These supplements also maintain good health by strengthening the immune system, thus increasing the body mechanism in prevention of diseases (Volpe, Mohr & Sabelawski 67).
Research methodology
Target population
The research will target health care institution, individuals and other institutions offering alternative medicine.
Sample and sampling procedure
Simple random sampling method will be used to obtain the requisite data. Basically, the use of questionnaires and interviewees would be the major plan towards collecting data. The questionnaires will be distributed evenly among different individuals and health care hence ensuring there is no biasness, and ensuring that the information gathered reveals the real picture of nutrition and medication application in controlling and preventing diseases (William, et al 33).
Data analysis procedure
Both Quantitative and qualitative methods will be used for data analysis. The results from the data analysis will be presented using frequency distribution, percentage, tables and bar charts. After the data is obtained, all the information gained from the direct interviewees and from the questionnaires will be condensed and analyzed. This will be done by ensuring that the obtained data is subjected to SPSS software so as to ensure that things like variance, deviation and mean are analyzed (Mitchell 95). This would help in drawing appropriate discussions and conclusions concerning the study. After this is done successfully, the information gathered would be effectively adopted towards coming up with the appropriate recommendations for the study, and how future research work would be conducted so as to come up with much more reliable information hence pinpointing the benefits of nutrition over medication in controlling and preventing diseases.
Research Design
Research design constitutes a blue print that aid in data collection, analysis and measurement of data. Descriptive research design will be used in analyzing this study since raw data will be collected from the field which will constitute collection of data via questionnaires, surveys and interviews (James 59) .The subjects of the study will be observed and data taken without intervening or manipulating them in which ever technique hence a descriptive research design
Limitations of the study
Several elements will limit the study, and these include:- Reluctant and failure by the respondent to disclose vital information in the pre-text of confidentiality and need to conceal their secrets.
Time limits. Time set for conducting research is limited hence the research will be carried on just a few individuals and institutions. A financial constraint as the researcher may not be aided.
The research will be on benefits of nutrition over medication in controlling and preventing diseases, but there could be other factors affecting the same like, cultural influence, individual body system etc (Galdston 87).
There are a number of reasons why the proposed study is necessary. It will be possible for the researcher to examine the existing trends in nutrition and medicine. This study will thus provide sufficient information on the importance of nutrition, and its significance in controlling and preventing diseases (Kopelman 53).
Therefore, this study if approved, it shall be able to come up appropriate findings which shall be useful in ensuring that there has been the provision of the necessary modalities and engagements which shall be useful in encouraging individuals to opt for nutrition and proper diet as a way of disease control and prevention, rather than concentrating on medications which in the long run are harmful to the body (William, et al 89).
Working Schedule
Time period
Jan Feb Marc Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Proposal Design
Fieldwork/data collection
Data analysis
Writing final report
Presentation of study
As we have noted, this study will play a major role in the medical field and final beneficiary with be the patient. Upon completion, this study shall be able to effectively establish the benefits of nutrition over medication when it comes to key disease control and prevention.
This kind of study and research will be necessary in ensuring that appropriate engagements have been put in place which shall provide the necessary engagements which makes it possible to realize appropriate service delivery to patients and community at large.
Therefore, I believe the research study will be able to prove that there are significant benefits of adopting nutrition supplements and vitamins ,nutritional diet and mild exercise ,which can go a long way in preventing cancer, heart disease, obesity, and make a patient look and feel great.
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