Dear Mr. (Mrs.) [Name]
First, let me thank you for your concern in this issue. I have been watching your work for quite a long time and I do admire what you do for our campus. In one of the meetings with students’ community, you have asked us to provide you with the main problems the campus has, and try to present several solutions.
In this letter, I tried to outline one of the most significant problems that the campus has, and provide several solutions for that.
Find the main reasons and causes why the problem occurred. Provide several solutions. Show the significance of the problem. The problem of dirty dishes is being underestimated. Hence, if we want to find a solution and solve the problem, we should show the students in the campus the seriousness of the situation and its consequences.
I. Research:
- research the chemicals that dishes soup contain and outline what soup exactly is more effective and the least harmful for health;
- ask physics find the perfect temperature to wash dishes;
- prepare such menu that contain such courses that do not make dishes too dirty;
- conduct a research that shows whether it is worth to hire people, who will supervise the cleanness of the dishes.
II. Training and testing:
- During the research, it is wise to try all the methods for some time, for example, for a week;
- Train supervisors, who will watch whether dishes are clean or not;
- Test all the kinds of soup that may be used in washing the dishes;
- Check which method works the best.
III. Support:
- Create a special group of specialists that will consist of physicians, economists and chemist. In future, this group may go on looking for ways to improve the quality of campus cafeteria service, as well as help campuses of other universities or colleges avoid the problem this campus cafeteria has.
Some students do not have opportunity or desire to cook, hence, they visit campus cafeteria to have meals. Obviously, when having meals, every person is concerned about eating from a clean plate with clean cutlery. However, sometimes in the campus cafeteria, it is easy to notice, from time to time, that dishes are not clean. As a consequence, when eating from a dirty dish, a person realizes that it may contain some amount of dish soup, as well. Such meals may turn into stomach pain. Hence, it is significant to solve this problem. Besides, rumors are significant in spreading news, as well.
The main benefits of the program I propose are:
- The trust rate of campus cafeteria will raise. This means, that more people will attend it. Hence, it will have more money for improving the service, as well its interior. Besides, students will not be afraid to eat in the campus cafeteria any longer.
- I suggest that the cafeteria in my campus is not the one with such a problem. On the other hand, we will be the first to raise such a problem and try ways to find a solution. Hence, this program will help others solve the same problem we have.
It is significant to hire only professionals not only to cook, but also to control the way dishes are washed, as well as to observe the quality of its cleanness.
It is impossible to make one person work all the time on controlling the quality of cleanness of dishes. Hence, there should be at least two persons. I think, it is wise to launch the program the day after we make a conclusion. The point is that during the research stage, the group of specialists will launch different solutions. Hence, at the end of the program, we will have all the necessary knowledge and tools to launch the program immediately. However, if we decide to hire a person to supervise the cleanness of dishes, we should wait a week longer until we find such a person. Besides, if we do that, we will need to agree everything with parents committee and find money to pay such a supervisor. Hence, I suggest that depending on the results, we may launch the program a day or a week after the research is finished.
In the attached schedule, I will analyze the time we will need to complete the research part of the program. In the schedule, I will include the approximate amount of time we need to complete the research. However, I will not take into account the second option that has been discussed above: I will not take into account money needed to hire a supervisor. The point is that I suggest that we may deal with it alone. I suggest that campus cafeteria will be able to deal with the problem of dirty dishes without any additional person to help. Besides, if the campus authorities do not find enough money to hire a supervisor but there is an urgent need to do that, we may ask volunteers to supervise the cleanness of dishes for quite a period of time.
I do realize that there may be some peculiarities in this case. I am ready to discuss all the peculiarities and milestones with you in private manner. If you agree to this idea, we may discuss it together with other representatives of the students’ community. In such a case, we will know whether the proposal is correct or not. I would like to point out that I have outlined only several solutions in the proposal. If you agree to discuss my proposal at the students’ committee meeting, I am sure we will find some solutions more. If you want to accept this proposal, please, contact me.
Creating a group of researchers and estimating the plan of actions 5 H
Interview with the kitchen personnel 2 H
Chemists research on the soup quality 10 H
Physics research on the temperature 15 H
Economists research on the worthiness to hire a supervisor 7 H
Economist research on changing the menu 10 H
Interview with the kitchen personnel on changing the menu 8 H
Consulting dieting expert on the quality of menu and the relevance of its change 5 H
Testing the various methods 50 H
Discussing the results of tests and launching the program 39 H