Baptism is an essential aspect of the Christian doctrines as it denotes believers from non-believers. Over the years, it has been subjected to numerous changes but has managed to retain its importance in Christianity. I recently witnessed a baptismal ceremony and made multiple observations on how the event was conducted. After the completion of the ritual, I gathered information on the relevance of this ritual to the believers among members of the congregation. I drew conclusions from the insight generated during the interviews to present an argument about this ritual to the Christians. This paper is a representation of my account during the event and an analysis of the event based on the observations made, the insight provided by some members of the congregation and an explanation of its relevance to Christianity. For a fact, baptism makes a lot of references to biblical doctrines, has a large impact on an individual’s beliefs and is considered to be a form of identification and initiation of Christianity.
Description of the event
I was seated in the middle section of a church among a graceful congregation witnessing a baptismal ceremony. A couple was standing just in front of the baptismal font with their child held in the mother’s hands. Other members of their extended family surround the couple and they all seemingly expressed some delight in the event. Later, the Deacon posed a question, “what do you ask of this house and the Lord.” “Baptism,” the couple replied and thereby ushered the commencement of the event. Water, fire, oil and a white garment could be observed on the right side of the baptismal font.
The deacon then traced the sign of a cross on the child’s forehead. He later poured some little water over the child’s head and mentioned that he was baptizing him in the name of the father, the son and the Holy Spirit. He later anointed the infant with some sacred oil and gave the parents the white garment located on the right side of the baptismal font. He finally lit a candle and the congregation concluded with a dedication prayer.
What is the functional and cultural value of the ritual?
The functional value of baptism is to signify the initiation of a non-believer to the Christian doctrines. As I was informed by one of the members of the congregation, baptism is mainly accompanied by repentance. However, children are considered pure, and thereby free from sin. As a result, their baptism is done after their consecration. Through this action, parents or guardians dedicate their child’s life to Christianity and vow that the infant would grow in the likeness of Jesus Christ whose name they are baptized in.
In the modern society, this ritual is preserved in the Church as a periodical activity. Precisely, new believers are baptized to make their commitment to Christianity official (Jensen 183). A large section of the congregation I interviewed admitted having being baptized in the course of their religious commitments. Consequently, the Church preserves this ritual in the concurrent society.
Reasons for particular actions during the exercise
The deacon traced the cross sign on the child’s forehead to symbolize its mystery in the heart of the believer. Precisely, the individuals being baptized acknowledge that Jesus Christ died for their sins and they are ready to commit to the expectations of the Christian doctrines. These commitments include disassociation from sinful acts. Additionally, pouring water on the infant signifies that one accepts to be cleansed of their sinful nature and to be reborn as a new being. Specifically, water washes away one’s sin and relieves them of the responsibilities attached to their previous sinful actions. Recitation of the phrase I baptize you in the name of the father, the son and the Holy Spirit symbolize the presence of God in the holy trinity when one is making a commitment to the ritual. The baptized being anointed with oil signifies that the Holy Spirit would dwell in the individual’s hearts. Finally, the candlelight symbolizes the presence of Jesus Christ as the true guide in the new believer’s life.
Role of this ritual
This ritual contributes to personal identity regarding Christianity. In fact, it is a reference point for one’s behavior. Precisely, the commitment created through baptism deters people from conducting sinful activities in their course of beliefs. Additionally, it enhances one’s faith, as they feel cleansed through the ritual. This activity enhances one’s religious strength by creating a divine commitment to the provisions of the Christian doctrines. It is significant to a congregation as it enables members to determine the committed believers among themselves. In simple terms, a baptism is a form of identification among believers and a commitment to abiding by the Christian doctrines and believing in the guidance provided by the Holy Spirit.
Impact of the ritual
This ritual contributes to an enhanced personal identity of the people being baptized. Precisely, it identifies them as believers and brave individuals who have decided to overcome their past and embrace a religious future (Mikoski 193). In cases of children, it denotes them as believers in Christianity. Therefore, baptism can be described as a form of identification for believers and a reference point for one’s action. It enables people to build their faith in Christ while enhancing their moral beliefs.
Changes in the ritual
Arguably, there have been numerous changes in the way this ritual is conducted over the years. Initially, it was held in an open area preferably a lake. For instance, the Bible mentions that John the Baptist baptized Jesus Christ in a river with water. However, the concurrent society conducts this activity in a rather different way. However, these changes have not affected the cultural values of this ritual. Precisely, the references made reveal great faith in the existence of Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit. The changes made do not make this activity lesser effective than it is supposed to be. Rather, it enhances its strengths.
Conclusively, baptism is an essential ritual in Christianity. It has undergone multiple changes over the years but has managed to preserve its initial relevance. This event is an initiation ritual into the beliefs upheld by believers. Precisely, non-believers are ushered into Christian doctrines through this commitment. It is a form of identification among non-believers and it creates a sense of belief in the existence of Jesus Christ and God as divine beings among the believers. The events conducted during this ritual are a symbolism of the some Christian beliefs. For instance, tracing of the cross, utilization of oil, water and the white garment refer to specific Christian beliefs.
Works Cited
Jensen, Robin Margaret. Baptismal Imagery in Early Christianity. 2012. Print.
Mikoski, Gordon S. Baptism and Christian Identity. Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2009. Print.