In the modern world people hardly have time to waste. That is why the general trend in all businesses is to deliver quality products to the customer’s doorsteps in the least time. Industries, therefore, aim to optimize processes, satisfy customers and eliminate waste. Targeting both trends, the suggested business deals with online food ordering.
The idea of online food ordering is not novel, therefore to distinguish the business from competitors, it should possess a competitive advantage. In the core of the business is not simply providing an alternative to phone ordering of fast food, but creating a completely different business model. First of all, the customer will no longer be limited to the fast and unvaried meals, but will be exposed to the whole variety of cuisine choices. Secondly, graphical interface will allow customizing the meals according to client’s preferences. It will provide suggestions of the fitting beverages/side dishes and give an opportunity to see pictures of the meals together with the list of ingredients and corresponding nutrition values.
The implementation of the abovementioned scheme will not require large capital investment or a lot of personnel. The core of the business will be working in cooperation with local restaurants, where food is going to be made. The responsibility of the company will be to place orders for these restaurants, pick them up and deliver to the customer.
The innovation of the proposed business is in the shift of the perception of delivered food. It offers customers a wide range of choices, restaurant quality in combination with convenient ordering. For the company as well as for partner restaurants online ordering system would mean better planning of capacities, lean process implementation and constant customer feedback through monitoring the most popular meals and ingredients people select.