Annotated Bibliography
Bauerlein, Mark. The Digital Divide: Arguments for and Against Facebook, Google, Texting, and the Age of Social Networking. New York: Jeremy Tarcher/Penguin, 2011. Print
This book is directly related to the topic on online social networking because it discusses the different risks and advantages associated with the use of social media, according to the interpretation of different commentators. There are those who see these technological developments as innovative steps towards better education, information access and progress in humanity. However, there are people who are also concerned about the negative impact it has on our society. For example, these online social sites are associated with the declining interest of students to read, decrease attention span and the virtually non-stop peer pressure on young people. Further, the author provided a discussion that outlined the development pros and con arguments which started from the enthusiasm towards the digital age, the feeling of skepticism and the stage where people started to weigh down between criticizing online social networking or to encourage its use.
This book provided the readers a chance to weigh the significant issues associated with online social networking such as the impact it has in the declining reading comprehension and attention span of students. In the part of the book entitled What About Attention Spans, the author discussed about a research on the impact of Sesame Street on children. The study indicated that children do not necessarily spend much of their time watching, but they do so about 47% of the time (par. 3). The findings indicated that the children’s exposure in social networking sites does not necessarily reduce their attention span but in fact strengthen it. In the part entitled What Have we Lost, the discussion focused on teacher’s concern that students have lost their reflective abilities. The increasing exposure to online networking sites has affected reflection, due to the reduced time or opportunity to put it into practice (par. 2). Another useful part of the book is the portion entitled Misconceptions About Teenagers, where there the mistaken belief that teenagers are web geniuses (par. 2). There is the stereotype that suggests how the teenagers are superior in terms of using the internet. Research revealed that they in fact scored lower than the success rate of adult online users.
McQuade, Samuel, James Colt and Nancy Meyer. Cyber Bullying: Protecting Kids and Adults From Online Bullies. Westport, Connecticut. Praeger Publishers, 2009. Print
The book discussed how the process of bullying has taken a new form with the advent of communication technology and the use if online social networking sites. Bullying has transformed, from intimidation that was once confined in the classrooms and the outdoors, to harassments and other offenses that are inflicted in cyberspace. The book discusses the prevalence of cyber bullying through the use of social networking sites, so that the perpetrators can intimidate and harm the victim even without physical contact. The book discussed that despite the absence of physical contact, cyber-bullying can have a detrimental impact on the well being of the victim. Further, the book provided some insights on how best to deal with the problem of cyber-bullying. This book is important in answering the research question because it provided some details on the existence of online intimidation and harassment and how best to solve this social problem. This is a valuable resource to validate the disadvantage brought about by social networking sites, based on well-documented examination of cyber-bullying, from defining what it is, to determining the perpetrators and the victims. It also showed the possible recourse that should be done to address this concern.
In chapter I of the book entitled The New Reality of Bullying and Cyber Bullying, the author talked about how online networking sites has promoted a new form of bullying which is the cyber bullying. It cited concrete examples of cyber bullying such as the case of Billy Wolfe, who had been a victim of both physical and cyber bullying, when the perpetrators physically harmed him and uploaded his pictures with derogatory remarks on the internet (4). The author discussed the case of several other cyber bullying victims, and these cases can be used to substantiate the claims in the research on online networking sites. The book also provided the result of primary surveys and examinations that relate to cyber bullying (78) and this can be used in the research. Further, a chapter of the book focused on the legal implications of bullying and cyber bullying in schools, and this can help support the research because it is also important to know the legal concepts that are associated with this social problem. For example, there is the case law pertaining to cyber bullying and it showed how the courts came up with interpretations of the student’s freedom of speech and the extent of the school authority (104).
Baez, Estephania. The Internet, A Double Edge Sword. La Prensa San Diego. 2016. Retrieved on May 9, 2016
The internet has brought considerable progress since its introduction to mankind. People from all over the world can communicate with ease, however, while there are many advantages brought by the internet, people should also be wary of its dangers. The use of online social networking sites as Facebook, and Twitter allows people to share almost every aspect of their lives. The U.S Department of Health reported that about 12 in 100,000 individuals attempted suicide in the country and about 2 percent of them posted about their plans on Facebook. The social media can also be a way to dare up to challenges such as the ice bucket challenge and other activities that dared the young people to do something that can be dangerous to their well being. For example, the fire challenge had become popular among the youths and reports showed that about 20 of those who dared to take the challenge end up in the hospital. The internet has exposed the young generation to different kinds of dangers from alcohol to drugs and other notorious activities.
This article is important in answering the research question because it acknowledges the positive aspects of the use if internet to mankind, it also showed how it can be detrimental to the society. This is especially so among the young social media users, who was not only exposed to alcohol and drugs, but also to other activities that proved to put their well being in danger. The idea of taking up extreme challenges emerged as such, as the ice bucket that became a popular means to generate funds for a cause (par. 4). Consequently, there are other challenges that were employed that do not have any noble cause and can even be dangerous to the young people. This article indicated that young people today have an earlier exposure to alcohol and drugs, and they also felt a need to gain popularity through the social media.
Pantic, Igor. Online Social Networking and Mental Health. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. 17 (10). 2014. Pp 652-657. Medline. On-campus link. Retrieved on May 8, 2016
The past decade showed a rapid development on the use of online networking sites that transformed the manner by which people communicate with each other. However, recent research showed an indication that these online social networking sites are associated with psychiatric disorders such as depression, anxiety and low self-worth. People, especially the younger generation, are exposed to different forms of information that they are constantly evaluating their achievements and the things they have with that of other people. Failure to come at par with the trend can often cause anxiety and low self-esteem. Further, there is also the addiction aspect that relates to online social networking sites (SNS), that is, there are some scholars who proposed that SNS should be categorized a form of mental disorder, while there are those that claim that is should be considered as a manifestation of other disorders.
This resource is helpful in answering the research topic because it discussed several studies about the impact of prolonged use of social networking sites in psychological health. Part of its discussion showed how the use of Facebook can cause people to be depressed (652). Further, studies indicated that the increased time spent on Facebook decreased the time spent with the family and this can have a detrimental effect. In another examination, the use of SNS was theorized to cause low self-esteem because of its tendency to promote narcissistic behavior (653), while some authors argued that it, in fact, enhance self-esteem (654).
Hampton, Keith, Lauren Sessions Goulet, Lee Rainie and Kristen Purcell. Social Networking Sites and our Lives. Pew Research Center. Retrieved on May 9, 2016 from
The article taken from Pew Research is of high quality because the results were taken from reliable research. The whole article and what it claimed in its contents appear to be reliable. Further, it should be noted that the Pew Research Center has an outstanding reputation in terms of being fair and reliable in the information that it releases. In addition to that, the center employs high quality research procedures and qualified researchers to conduct studies in order to make sure that it can provide accurate information. The Pew Research Center is also known for conforming closely to research standards, and this gives the readers an assurance that articles published from this site are reliable and of high quality.
Robison, Jennifer. The Business of Good Friends. Gallup. Retrieved on May 8, 2016, from
This is also a reliable article, taken from the website of Gallup Inc., which is a globally known-research based company. In order to maintain its reputation as a reliable researcher, the company conducts its studies with strict adherence to research protocols. The researchers rely on diverse forms of methodologies such as phone, online and face-to-face interviews, in addition to using different strategies to reach out to respondents. Further, this research-based company is also know reach out to people from all over the world, to establish the validity of its claims. In its ‘about page’, the site claim to combine years of experience to achieve excellence.