The graduate is an American drama - film comedy directed by one Mike Nicholas. It’s based on the novel, ‘The Graduate’ written by Charles Webb immediately after graduating from Williams college. The movie elaborates on the story of Benjamin Braddock a fresh graduate who has no clear vision on what he wants to do in life, he meets Mrs. Robinson who seduces him and later have an affair but eventually falls for his daughter Elaine.
The intrigues and intertwining of events in this movie makes it very interesting, personally I have enjoyed the movie. The levels of suspense and tension of every scene leaves the viewer with that feeling that he/she wants to see what happens to the next scene, this makes the movie very interesting. For example, when Mrs. Robinson invites Benjamin to her house and tries to seduce him by removing her clothes then Mr. Robinson pops in and surprisingly he doesn’t notice anything instead he starts to advice Benjamin that he should enjoy his youthful days.
This movie is less centered on just mere entertainment but is more into the emotions that it evokes from audience, for this reason the movie is neither comedic nor satirical but dramatic and moving. The defined mood of tension and a touch of romance set a firm preface for a theme and emotion. The generic topic on conflicting affairs in this drama generates a lot of creative twists thus generating a good film.
This movie exposes the learner to some few film theory lessons where one is exposed to academic film criticism that revolves around analysis and evaluation of the film according to the impact made to the viewer. Also it acted as a teaching aid for some concepts since some students interpret well films than literature especially the classics.
‘The Graduate’, is a very thrilling artistic short film that incorporates love affairs within a family set up to generate a very emotional and creative drama. It’s a very useful piece of work in film studies for nurturing upcoming film producers.
Works cited.
J.W.Whitehead. Appraising The Graduate: The Mike Nichols Classic and Its Impact in Hollywood. Jefferson,North Carolina: McFarland publishers, 2010.