Research in Motion (RIM) controlled Blackberry was once the leading smartphone markers in the market, but with time and their lack of innovation, Blackberry lost their market share. In addition, the co-founders of the organization were removed from the company in a management reshuffle. The new leadership under John S. Chen took a pragmatic approach by changing the culture of the organization and making it more inclusive. Chen found that Blackberry had been struggling with raising business revenue with the strong competition from Android and iOS. Among the all their problems, Chen found that Blackberry had been avoiding the enterprise network and mobile security management that presents an exciting opportunity for Blackberry (Austen N.pag).
Opportunity Analysis
Opportunity Identification
Opportunities arise when businesses identify new buyers, creating new means or ways for satisfaction of the market needs and uncovering the unsatisfied market needs (Roger & Peterson 65). In case of Blackberry, the company identified enterprise network and mobile security as opportunity areas for increasing their revenue and their long term survival. Blackberry already has a well-developed enterprise network, but they had been avoiding it in favor of the OS market. The enterprise network also presents a highly profitable business market for blackberry, but they have been falling behind in terms of upgrading the technologies and it is possible with time competitors will come in. Mobile security is another area where Blackberry identified scope to grow as security software is highly necessary in smartphones to protect data and personal information (Austen N.pag).
Opportunity-Organization Matching
It determines if an identified opportunity in the market is consistent with the organization’s business and distinctive competencies (Roger & Peterson 66). Blackberry has been one of the leading form in the mobile and OS technology and used to be innovators of enterprise network technology. The opportunity of mobile security is right up the organization’s forte and will suite their current team of engineers. They can develop efficient technology and rebuild their organization’s brand image in the technology industry. Rebuilding the mobile security technology will help the company develop competencies that can help their business become one of the leaders in the mobile security market (Austen N.pag). Enterprise network is already an area of expertise for Blackberry and goes along with their business goals.
Opportunity Evaluation
It is based on qualitative and quantitative phases of evaluation. Qualitative phase is based on the opportunity’s attractiveness and qualitative phase is based on sales forecasts from the opportunity (Roger & Peterson 67). As far as qualitative evaluation is concerned, mobile security and enterprise network are highly attractive markets with great potential for growth and increasing competition in the market. Already, several technology organizations are showing increased interest as the demand exists with the high number of smartphones in the world.
In terms of quantities evaluation, mobile security and enterprise network can be worth billions of dollars in annual revenue; something Blackberry is yearning for past few years (Austen N.pag).
Blackberry has lost the majority of the market share in the smartphone industry; within a few years of being the market leader and respected innovator in the industry. To sustain the organization for long term presence, Blackberry needed to find opportunities that can help them generate the necessary revenue to sustain their business and grow over time. In terms of opportunity analysis, Blackberry has already made moves in the mobile security market and has refocused on the enterprise network system.
Works Cited
Austen., I. BlackBerry Sees Hope for Future in Security. The New York Times. 28 March 2014. Web. 10 February 2016.
Roger., K.A, and Peterson., R.A. Strategic Marketing Problems: Cases and Comments. 12th ed. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 2010. Print.