1. Apply Behavior Modification to change Luke's behavior to what you would think is appropriate from your perspective.
Luke is suffering from lack of attention and concentration in doing his work. Besides, he is addicted to using tobacco which may also make him have a withdrawal syndrome that might accelerate his lack of concentration. Use of reinforcement is one way through which behavior modification can assist Luke to change his behavior. It is worth noting that Luke needs more encouragement in his work to help him develop the interest and the passion to perform his duties and responsibilities without any body’s contribution.
It is important to advice Luke on how he can better his operations. The advice should be stepwise to ensure that he grasps each step before moving to the next. For instance, one can start by advising him on the need to respect the working days. This is possible through training him on ethical code of conduct of the business. This is to mean that Luke needs to be provided with the information on what he expected to do and what he is not expected to do in the organization. For example there is the need to inform Luke that he should attend his job seven days a week as per the employment provision (Boylan, 2001).
Reinforcement can be helpful in assisting Luke to ensure that he comes to job every day as per the provisions. After the advice, I would observe his application to the advice. In case, Luke becomes consistent in coming to the job I would comment him positively this is a form of reinforcement that can motivate him to avoid absenteeism. However, I would not reinforce him on a daily basis to avoid losing the power of the reinforcement. With reinforcement, Luke can change his behavior positively thus avoid absenteeism completely (French & Schermerhorn, 2008).
Additionally, I would take the initiative of assigning another experienced pharmacist to work hand in hand with Luke in the store. The pharmacist would offer guidance to Luke on how best he can change his attitude of chatting with clients and instead concentrate in performing his duties. I would make sure that he is fully occupied every time to ensure that he is not idle. Luke’s addition in chatting with clients is subject to failure to have concentration on the job as well as failure to have enough work to make him busy. After a few months, I would with draw the pharmacists and allow Luke practice the knowledge and skills attained during the guidance period to ensure success (Rakowska et al, 2015).
Finally, I would also foster the use of punishments as a way of motivating Luke to overcome irresponsible behaviors within the organization. For instance, after advising him on how to over some the chatting issue with clients, any persistent in the behavior would be corrected by a punishment such as offering him more work to keep him busy. He should be made to understand that he is an employee of the organization and should thus observe the rules governing the organization. Besides, I would arrange various social meeting with Luke with other employees of the organization outside the premises to allow him interact with the other employees and foster changes in his behavior. In so doing, Luke will recognize the need to act ethically in the workplace thus able to improve his job performance (Sheldon, 1982).
2. How would you use the Locke goal-setting model to motivate Luke?
Goal setting theory by Locke’s may be very important tool for motivating Luke to improve his behavior. I would start by communicating the goals of the business that Luke needs to focus on when performing his duties. The communication of the goals of the business to Luke is motivation since it will assist him understand what he is expected to do for the organization. The most important thing I would do is to offer training to him to make sure that he have a clear understanding of the goals. This is supported by Latham & Locke (2015).
Secondly, I would also train him to have a clear understanding of the five principles of goal setting to help him improve his behavior. Firstly, I would train him on how to make clear goals that are measurable. I would make him understand the need to set clear goals that take time to consideration. It is important to make Luke aware of the time required to attain his planned goals. This is a motivation since it will encourage him to work hard to meet the deadline as well ensuring success (Manolopoulos, 2007). In fact, I would sit down with him and help him set the goals something that would offer him support when working. I would ensure that the goals set are simple and easy for him to achieve.
Furthermore, I would work close to him guiding where necessary and making corrections to any mistakes that arise during the implementation of the goals. I would offer supervision that would ensure that at the end of the time frame he realizes the goals. Realizing the goals will act as a motivation to Luke since he will be encouraged to work further to ensure consistency in his operations. After his first attainment of his set goals I would assist him to come up with other more difficult goals to pose a challenge to him. The motivation achieved from the attainment of the first goals would encourage him to work extra hard to achieve them. This would act as a basis for changing his attitude towards performing his duties within the organization. These sediments are supported by Munro (2008).
Nonetheless, I would also allow Luke to take part in the goal setting process of the organization. Jaki (1978) reveals that it is a better way of motivating him to provide his views regarding the goals setting of the organization. Besides, it would make him feel part of the organization since I can provide ideas that can change the operations of the organization. Since is part of the people setting the goals he will be encouraged to accept the goals and work very hard ensuring success.
Moreover, I would encourage Luke to provide feedback to the management pertain his progress in the implementation of the goals. This is a way of making him understand that sometimes goal implementation may present some problems that require correction to enhance the attainment of the goals. Through provision of feedback by Luke would ensure that correction measures are taken to any issue that arises on the way during the implementation of the goals. Consequently, this would make Luke to grow career wise as a responsible employee. Finally, I would crown it all by offering Luke enough time to improve his performance in executing his duties. This is to mean that I allow him to work within his capability to avoid any complexity. This move would make him avoid frustration that arise from job pressures and work comfortably thus fostering success. This is supported by Ryder (1999, p. 170)
Reference List
Boylan, M., 2001. Business ethics. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
French, R., & Schermerhorn, J. R., 2008. Organizational behaviour. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Jaki, S. L., 1978. Decision-Making in Business: Amoral? Nijenrode Studies in Business Trends in Business Ethics, 1-10.
Latham, G. P., & Locke, E. A., 2015. The Science and Practice of Goal Setting. Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, 1-2.
Manolopoulos, D., 2007. An evaluation of employee motivation in the extended public sector in Greece.Employee Relations, 30(1), 63-85.
Munro, J. H., 2008. Roundtable viewpoints organizational leadership. Dubuque, IA: McGraw- Hill.
Rakowska, A., Valdes-Conca, J., & Juana-Espinosa, S. D., 2015. Affecting Factors of Public Employees’ Ganizational Commitment. International Journal of Synergy and Research Ijsr, 3, 5.
Ryder, D., 1999. Deciding to Change: Enhancing Client Motivation to Change Behaviour. Behaviour Change, 16(3), 165-174.
Sheldon, B., 1982. Behaviour modification: Theory, practice, and philosophy. London: Tavistock Publications.