In order to support the performance of the employees at the organization, we make use of both the intrinsic and extrinsic motivators. As already we read, that performance results by combining capabilities, motivation and the support system (Xiang, Bruene & Chen, 2005). In my organization, the motivators for individuals are studied deeply and then used for supporting the performance at organization. Some people tend to be motivated by extrinsic motivators like the pay, bonus and other elements; while others, tend to be motivated by intrinsic motivators like praise, recognition and healthy social relations (Grant, 2008). We assure that all kinds of safety measures are taken for the employees so that a safe and healthy working environment is provided to all the employees at work. The employees are informed of all the hazards at work and the management tends to work for ensuring their safety. Further, the reward system consists of two scales: first is a basic pay that is similar at a level for all the employees. But if someone puts in more efforts, the rewards are higher as the pay-for-performance reward system is also in place. The company has a learning culture in place where emphasis is more on development and learning of the employees. The employees are encouraged to train and learn as the system requirements change. The employees are provided training and learning sessions to build on their skills and competencies as the requirements of organization change. So, we make use of both the intrinsic and extrinsic motivators to enhance the performance of employees at the organization.
Grant, A. (2008). Does intrinsic motivation fuel the pro-social fire? Motivational synergy in predicting persistence, performance, and productivity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93(1), 48.
Xiang, P., Bruene, A., & Chen, A. (2005). Interactive Impact of Intrinsic Motivators and Extrinsic Rewards on Behavior and Motivation Outcomes. Journal of Teaching In Physical Education, 24(2).