The word gay is a rather interesting one. It is because it is one of the words with that possess more than one or two meanings. Moreover, due to this, the word presents itself as a multi-purpose word, thereby capable of being used in several contexts depending on the intended meaning that is attempted for comprehension. Arguably, it is fundamental to note the fact that the word, gay has the same pronunciation in all its varied forms and uses. It assures a rather more emphatic in its precise use in the various contexts for the intended meaning in question. It is in the light of its varied uses in the diverse contexts that this essay presents a quite comprehensive approach and more general in its use. Thus; it takes the following shape.
First and foremost, the word, gay owes its origin to the 14th century. Its etymology is characterized by the Middle English, from the Anglo-French gai, of the Germanic origin. It was akin to the Old High German gahi to mean sudden, and more predictive, quick (Meriam Webster Inc). This history feat is rather a sharp pointer to the word’s lexical and moreover, multi-lingual aspect in its precise origin. It is evident that the word did not just originate from a single, simple background but a quite more diverse, compound feat. Furthermore, this may be imperative for its acute association as a result of adoption and use by the different lexical and lingual approaches that are of the European descent. It makes it even more universal in its overall use in various societies.
Secondly, the word, gay has adjective significances. It denotes a moment of extreme happiness, or rather a remarkable level of excitement (Meriam Webster Inc). Here, its most precise use is evidence more so in sentences, which are connotative to the high spirits accomplishment in a human being. For instance, in a sentence, the word, gay can be used to describe the mood of an individual to express the high spirits that he or she is exuding at that particular instance like, in a gay mood. Moreover, the word, gay has a second adjectival meaning to adduce the aspect of a person being lively, and bright in an event. An instance of use is the gay children playing. It compounds the previous adjectival meaning but with a somewhat twist as it presents the energetic factor within the word. Finally, another adjectival front that the word presents is its use in respect to the social pleasures. More specifically, in the homosexual aspect; For instance are gay men, gay rights movement, and gay bar, among others (Meriam Webster Inc).
Thirdly, the word, gay has a nominal meaning, which greatly relates to the final adjectival meaning above. It connotes an individual homosexual, with a specific focus to the male human beings (Parsons et al 45). An instance of its use is the common gay.
In conclusion, the observed uses of the word, gay are an indicator to the word’s flexibility in use within the English language’s context. It goes without saying that both the adjectival and nominal fronts that are presented in use of the word point toward a more social approach and connotation. As such, notwithstanding the varied meanings, but holistically, the element of sociality in its embracement as per the instances those are presented within the essay’s framework.
Work Cited
Meriam Webster Inc. Gay. Meriam Webster Dictionary, 2014. Web. 13 October 2014.
Parsons, Jeffrey T., Brian C. Kelly, David S. Bimbi, Lauren DiMaria, Milton L. Wainberg, and Jon Morgenstern. "Explanations for the Origins of Sexual Compulsivity Among Gay and Bisexual Men." Archives of Sexual Behavior 3.23 (2008): n. pag. Print.