Bubba as a small company manufacturing materials is needed employees with expertise and needs to adhere to workplace standards to keep the working environment of its employees safe. Essentially, it should set the following safety standards as its priority as these are either directly related to the health of its employees or to the safety of the work area.
The company needs a respiratory protection program. This program is extremely essential in the painting department where harmful solvents are used. These solvent are known to be hazardous to human respiratory functions. The respiratory program will involve the use of respiratory equipments which will protect the employees from inhaling these solvent and paint, which are chemically and biologically harmful. Respirators to be used in this program should be properly selected in order to provide protection from respiratory hazards and they should be used and selected as stipulated in the respiratory protection standard (29 CFR 1926.103 and 29 CFR 1910.134). This program should ensure that employees' health is protected and enhanced. Respirator use should be promoted and ensure that procedure and policy are followed when implementing the program (Mark, 2011).
A powered industrial truck program is also essential in the company. The use of powered trucks in the activity of the company critically calls for a program to look into this department. The program should outline the training program for all the workers who are operating the powered trucks and the risk that are involved in this operation. Different trucks have different operations and hazards, and this should be clearly stipulated in the program (Mark, 2011).
A fall protection program should be also considered. The company should be able to protect all its employees in the various departments from job injuries. The company products, material and machineries are stored on racks, the hazard of them falling is extremely high, and these place the employees at extreme risk. The program should outline all protection a scheme which will ensure that employees are safe in their workplace and what is supposed to be done to avoid the falling hazard (Mark, 2011).
The general safety and health program is a more general and essential safety program. The company was first started in 1958 which suggest the company is quite old, and its structures must be improved to cater for the modern use. The wear and tear of every material with time proves to a greater risk to this company. The fabricating department is characterized with allot of noise and hence employees must be protected. The welders are using a number of hand held grinders and the Oxyacetylene torch which poses great hazard to the employee. An emergency evacuation and response program should also be included. The main aim of this program is to maintain the general standard of working being safe and healthy to everyone operating in the environment (Mark, 2011).
The company is required to provide training in different departments within its workplace.
- Employees should be trained in the nature of all full-hazards within the working environment.
- Training should be provided to the employee on their roles in safety monitoring system and their roles in hazard preventions.
- The limitation on mechanical equipment use is essential in the employee training. Some machines like folk lifts have their maximum operating weight and any additional weight will cause failure or even a hazard.
- Training is also essential for employees in the current manner and procedure for maintaining, erecting disabling and the general inspection of the environment in which they are working in.
- General overview of the company and what is involved in every department should be considered in training. This helps with the general knowledge of hoe employees are part of a process and their contribution to the entire line. The company involves a line process method of manufacture and every step is essential to the completion of the final product.
United States, Healthy workplaces hurt worker health: OMB interference in OSHA regulatory policy : hearing before the Committee on Labor and Human Resources, United standards March 25, 1992 (S. Hrg), For sale by the U.S. G.P.O., Supt. Of Docs., Congressional Sales Office (1992)
Inc. National Safety Compliance, (2012), 2012 Edition 29 CFR 1910 OSHA GENERAL INDUSTRY REGULATIONS, National Safety Compliance Publisher, Inc
Mark M, (2011),The OSHA Answer Book 10th Edition Moran associates Publishers,
Occupational Health and Safety Administration (2013). Occupational Health and Safety Standards. Received from https://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owastand.display_standard_group?p_toc_level=1&p_part_number=1910#1910_Subpart_I