Conf 340
Other conflict analysis and resolution.
Kevin Avruch introduced the concept of culture to research the field and practices used in conflict solutions in 1980. This was presented in his book Context and Pretext in Conflict Resolution. Avruch contributed to the area of study by bridging theoretic concepts and study with the most applied domain of conflict resolution.
Kevin Avruch introduced the idea of culture in the scholarly field and practices of conflict resolution. In his publication, he came up with philosophical ideas and study with the applied domain of resolving conflict expertly. He successfully addressed the problems of context that peacemakers come across in the field and suggested practical alternatives to solve the dispute. He used social- cultural approach in conflict resolution and international theories of relation to focus on how culture has changed the practice of conflict resolution. Consequentially Avruch vouched for the adoption of new concepts in his publications.
According to Avruch (2008), he elaborated on culture and conflict analysis and demonstrated how the context was useful for solving disputes. The circumstances affect our reasoning and understanding on character and culture. He suggested an alternative understanding of culture and argued that culture was a constructed and changeable factor by demonstrating Huntington’s “Clash of Civilizations.” The author made the case that the theory of culture had advantages for progressing a bright idea on resolving the problem. According to Avruch (2008), he explained the need for new cultural conceptualization through the relationship between conflict, and culture. Theoretical concepts of conflict resolution provide a pretext on the practice of conflict resolution.
Relationship theoretical concepts and philosophies of global affairs affect clash resolution. For example, our identifications of beliefs have been hit by conflict and violence. These include human rights cooperation and truth and settlement instructions. He also explained how peacemakers can apply theoretical concepts through one’s sensitivity and underestimating the role of culture in solving problems. His argument on theoretical concepts is connected to conflict resolution by influencing the peace maker’s efforts.
Avruch criticized that the realist and neorealist were sympathetic of power. This was coercion and dominance. In his conceptualization theory, he suggested that in cases where the conflict is held between unequal powers, it becomes intolerable for conflict resolution to be achieved. This allows the most powerful performer to control others. Authorities need to establish new concepts that will assist in reducing conflicts more effectively as stated by Avruch (2008). Avruch claims that it is important to widen our thought of control as a notion that influences conflict resolution. He concludes by suggesting that resolving conflict as a peacemaker should be transparent.
He completed by showing that pretext and context resolution is very fruitful in breaking the gap amid theoretical concepts and practices by diplomats including theories of international relations during conflict resolution. Commissions make the works appear slightly like a collection of Avruch’s previous work. The pretext and context in conflict contribute significantly to the sociological, cultural fields and political sociology.
This is done through substantial improvement in theoretical considerations of the part of solving the conflict in philosophical applications. This is also beneficial for global relations that can use mechanisms of conflict resolution to respond to global conflict through the understanding of other cultures while learning to accommodate the different cultures as well as checking for any commonalities that may be prevalent between both cultures. His publication remains an essential read for both academic and conflict resolution practitioners since it has convincing and substantial arguments. Civilisation as argued by the author may provide a tonic to the solution of and cultural and conflict resolution. Civilisation has aspects of homogeneity and coherence that should be consistently used during periods of historical change driven by dynamics that characterise the forms of conflict and this should be combined to bring about social change. Culture requires an entire change of concepts used that will enable the understanding of the world from a historical aspect that can be passed from one generation to the other.
Explanation of Rams Botham trial to credit Azar and discussion of Azar’s theory insight in capturing the complexity of global conflicts. Protracted Social Conflict, Edward Azar
Edward Azar has shown that prolonged social struggle characterized the violent and protracted conflicts by traditional groups. The main reasons behind this included disparity of fundamental needs safety, acceptance and recognition and reasonable access to the political organization. This was cited as a critical factor by Azar in prolonged communal conflict situations. As indicated by Ramsbotham (2005) the author explained that conventional concern in relations between states had obscured a sound knowledge of these dynamics. He redefined his understanding of the undercurrents that caused persistent and violent prolonged social distress. He identified several examples of this form of conflict that is distinct from old clashes over territory. There are four variables defined by Azar, which includes; Communal content, Supremacy role, Deprivation of individual needs, and Worldwide relation.
Communal content is the greatest valuable component of examination in extended social conflict. The individuality groups whether religious, racial, ethnic, and cultural. Prolonged social conflict assessment focuses on the instance on same groups. The relationship between states and identity groups is the core problem in conflict resolution. He argued that public content correlated with the level of cultural heterogeneity, and it broadened the significance of the study of prolonged social conflict.
He identified the deficiency of social needs as the fundamental source of extended conflicts in social aspects. Needs are non-negotiable and ontological. Azar said safety needs, improvement needs, administrative access needs and individuality needs were all affected. According to Ramsbotham (2005) needs broadened the revision of prolonged social conflict outside the mind, ecology and development studies.
Supremacy and role of the state are the critical factors in the gratification and prevention of identity group and individual wants in a world. This is where the state is gifted with the power to rule and use power to protect people.
In International context, he identified global linkages as the fourth, and a variable which is accountable for transmission of prolonged social conflict to a higher level of conflict resolution. This has an influence on political-and-economic associations of financial dependence on the global monetary systems. It also controls the net of political-military connections constituting local and worldwide interest. He added that the formation of national social and political institutions was significantly affected by the linkage patterns within the global system.
Azar categorized the dynamic process into three distinct groups that are affected by factors such as public actions and plans, national measures and policies and the clash mechanisms. Strategies involve the numerous procedures of group identity development, society and deployment, the appearance and nature of management, paramilitary war, and nature of externalities.
National actions and policies affect response by states to public complaints, particularly those which have weak supremacy constructions as stated by Ramsbotham (2005). This is usually one of forced suppression to avoid external signs of weaknesses. In most cases, a militant had a disciplinary reply constituting the core of national strategy in coping with public opposition. Lastly, there are the numerous self-reinforcing mechanisms of conflict thoroughly researched by conflict resolution experts. Hence, it impacts of prolonged conflicts on the perception of the other impacting behavior of such groups.
A case study in Sri Lanka is a good example of a multi-ethnic state with communal conflicts. The first sign for the lobbying of cultural difference was the deficiency of Indian Tamils working in the farming sector that had stayed in Sri Lanka for many years. The subject of renunciation of the nationality of the Indian Tamils caused a great change of the cultural demography. The election issue was a proponent to introduce Sinhala as the national language. This policy was thus a tool of discernment which led to a powerful Tamil nationalist movement concerning country issues especially religion and language.
In conclusion, I think that Sri Lanka is a good example of prolonged social conflict as defined by Azar. This is because four preconditions and three processes of dynamic conflict resolution are successfully interrogated. Most cases in Sri Lanka have connections the theory of social conflict resolution. For a better understanding of global conflict and better conflict resolve methods to be promoted, some practitioners have pursued to grow typologies for describing a diverse range of cultures. Some of these research on diplomatic conflict resolution are concentrated on cooperation, rather than including third party processes such as mediation. Conflict resolution has been discussed extensively by the authors and various conclusions drawn on the reliability of methods chosen to end conflicts. The situation in Sri Lanka is a clear depiction of the case of international conflict and the application of conflict resolution mechanisms that aid in solving the standoff that exists between warring parties.
Avruch, K. (2008). 17 Culture theory, culture clash, and the practice of conflict resolution1. Handbook of conflict analysis and resolution, 241.
Ramsbotham, O. (2005). The analysis of protracted social conflict: a tribute to Edward Azar. Review of International Studies, 31(01), 109-126.