Part 1
Cipher Definition
Cipher refers to an algorithm that assists in executing encryption or decryption. It allows one to change a plain text to unreadable form or changing unreadable text to readable text by human beings (Stinson 134).
Difference between cipher and code
There are several differences that exist between a cipher and a code. Firstly, codes are easily computable thus are very fast. On the other hand, ciphers take much time to compute or rather they are non-computable hence end up being slower that the codes. Secondly, ciphers depend on a key since they are generated using a given key. However, codes do not depend on any key since they use algorithms rather than keys. Although both cipher and code contain encryption of a text, a code encrypts a text at the level of meaning where else cipher encrypts a text to a level of a small group of letters of single letters.
Caesar Cipher
Caesar Cipher is an encryption technique in which letters within a plain text are substituted by another letter with fixed number of positions in the alphabet. Whey key 2 is used for a text like an 'attack at dawn;' the output may become cvvcem cv fcyp implying that a difference of one letter must exist between two consecutive letters in a disarranged manner. For instance, considering the example given the difference between a and c is one letter which is b. Caesar cipher may involve both encryptions as well as decryptions of a text. This is to mean that a plain text is encrypted to give another unreadable text by human beings and it is decrypted back to the original text.
Part 2
Q1 Answer
Privacy laws will play a great role in enhancing e-commerce in various ways. Firstly, they will allow copyright holders to protect their property as well as charging some fee to the users. In fact, it will help in promoting business for copyright holders as well as enabling the users of the items provided on the internet enjoy service at a low cost. Outstanding examples of some of the holders who will enjoy from the privacy laws are the musicians and book authors (Shapiro n.p).
Additionally, privacy laws will assist e-commerce in promoting confidentiality of information for the users. For instance, various companies will require its users to develop accounts in their websites so as to have enough control over their information thus promoting privacy. Banks are good examples of companies that will enjoy from the privacy since they will be able to protect the confidentiality of their clients’ information and wealth.
Q2 Answer
Privacy laws will, on the other hand, hurt e-commerce in various ways thus encouraging inefficiency. For instance, privacy laws that give copyright holders the right to monitor and charge users when they use services may discourage many from using e-commerce. For example, privacy laws may require user’s copyrighted material to pay for a service every time they use the material which may be very expensive in the long run.
Besides, privacy laws will also restrict the freedom of enjoys various materials available on the internet. This is because some of the privacy laws may prohibit the users of the internet from visiting some of the websites which contain important materials of expanding knowledge and skills. As a result, many users will be forced by circumstances to violate the laws and use illegal methods to get information from the copyrighted material without any permission. An outstanding example is the increasing cases of piracy of software from the internet following advancement in technology.
Works Cited
Shapiro, Carl. Will E-Commerce Erode Liberty?. Harvard Business. Harvard Business Press, 1998.
Stinson, Douglas. Cryptogtaphy / Theory and Practice, CRC Press: 1995. Print.