The critical review of “Capitalism: A Love Story”
The need to create wealth is consuming humanity with the passage of time. The Wall Street is sharing a psyche of too much risk taking. The work calls the behavior of investors as casino mentality that causes adrenaline levels to increase in humans, and they receive direct dosage of the chemical straight to the heart. The investors experience addiction of the natural stimulant. The capitalism is based on the need to create social divides in the society. The social divides are created out of the economic inequality in the community. Human development does not occur because all of the individuals do not get an equal chance to develop on equal grounds, and therefore, the society does not grow as a whole. The development of criminal influences occurs due to social and communal disparities in the system. The featured documentary covers the topic of capitalism in great detail so it is the most authentic work and effort developed in this regard. The consequences of capitalistic mindset can be managed with the help of introducing socialistic trends in the community. The government has to create a balance in both collective and individualistic concerns at the same time. The capitalistic trends do not value social work, and the communism does not entertain the needs of the individuals. The problems that the documentary highlighted are attached with the presence of too much individualism in the societies all around the world. The Chinese have proven the working model of socialistic and communal influences in one governmental system. The similar approach can be applied throughout the world in order to create more peace and tranquility in the global community of nations (Moore, 15:30). The force of globalization will only work in order to create collectivist society in this world because each one of us will consider him or herself as a global citizen in the near future with the passage of time.
The capitalism is based on the provision of capital that can be invested in the operations of the business so that economic growth can be attained. However, the mindset and philosophy of capitalism has its problems as well because it creates social and economic disparities in the societies. The capitalists hold the undue political power over those who are weak so in this way, the whole system runs on the concept of sapping everyone of their competencies and energies in order to fulfill fiscal goals, but in return, they will not receive anything substantial in nature.
The documentary developed a historical perspective in the opening scenes, and the narrator established that humanity has always divided the societies into different social classes. The generalized ones in this regard are rulers and slaves. In latest times, the settlement of employment is travelling to become modern, but the underlying concepts remained the same even in the enlightened era of the 21st century. Marxism that argues that the societies must exert themselves in order to serve the economic goals of the investors provides the foundations of capitalism. The educational needs of the masses remain unfulfilled because the general public does not have sufficient monetary resources needed to sponsor their and their next generation’s academic needs of the upcoming times. The provision of education has transformed into the commercialized industry as well. The expensiveness of education is creating more severe problems in the society because youngsters are turning into criminals in great numbers. The healthcare and educational sector of the world needs to be un-capitalized so that the masses can benefit from these sectors without any difficulty. The documentary worked in order to highlight the fact that capitalism as an economic concept and ideology favors the rich and uses the poor in order to help the investors in the objective of fulfilling their fiscal goals and aims. However, the government has to take a leading role in this regard because otherwise the economic sectors of the nations do not consider humanistic values as a viable fiscal concern any more. The governments are established throughout the world with the help of conducting electoral process, and therefore, the politicians have to gather sponsorships from their corporate friends, and after coming in power the governments have to payback their sponsors in the form and shape of relaxed economic climate in the countries. The socialistic considerations are growing in all parts of the world, but they are not turning out to be stronger regimes as far as their magnitude is concerned. The socialistic moments in the world do not have public support as well because the masses are also following the same economic mindset as corporate sector is doing, and therefore, the massive level of transformation is required in order to gain the goals of the moment. The nationalistic regimes of the world do not consider tighter governmental controls on the economic activities of the society, and they stand with the philosophy of free economy so that they can generate economic prosperity by using whatever means necessary. The governments reserve the right to monitor the legal outlook of the industry, but they do not have the right and authority to control the means of production in the community. Both of the philosophies have to work collaboratively in order to create a perfect society, but first they need to shake hands in this regard so that the public can gather greater benefits from the fiscal activity of the nation. The goal of human development cannot occur in the partial and full absence of economic development. The fiscal developments occur in all parts of the world, but their benefits do not reach general public. The governments have to use direct and indirect taxation in order to transfer prosperity to the lower cradles of the society. Again, the governments do not apply taxation on the companies properly because they have to save their ties to corporate sector from experiencing annihilation to say the least. The cycle of corruption is going on in the veil of the capitalism. The time is nevertheless nearing when humans have to learn to live for others, and they have spent their lives to fulfill and meet their own economic agendas, but that led us to the overwhelming creation of poverty in the global economy. The development of poverty means that the current economic theory is not working for the greater good of the world. The world does not need successful men and women. They do not need warriors, but the realm needs poets, lovers, and humanists so that world can have what it deserves the most, which is peace.
This paper reviewed the current destructive force of the capitalism that is consuming humanistic and corporeal concerns from the face of Earth. The investors are leeching the blood of poor men and women in order to attain their filthy goals of wealth creation and value maximization for the shareholders. The world developed out of sincere efforts of the people who wanted to do something good for the society, but nowadays income generation is the only objective of the human race. The most humanistic areas of the societies have transformed into profit generating facilities lately.
Works Cited
Capitalism: A Love Story. Dir. Michael Moore. Perf. Michael Moore. 2009. Online.