The purpose of the study
The purpose of this study as in the article is to assess the early literature and story reading skills championed by the parents at the early years of their basic education. The purpose of this study is also to know how the parents can involve themselves in their children education from their tender age. Though it is not the parents only who should involved in education education, they are considered crucial because they can influence the children because they spend most of the time with them. The other purpose is to assess how to continuously develop the children till they achieve their desired goals and dreams.
Description of participants
There are three participants in the article and these are the parents, teachers and the children. The parents to expose their children by teaching them the basic reading skills and helping them perform basic arithmetics, print words and to read simple words on their own before they go to school. The parents determines the behavior of the children at their eartlier ages by teaching them good manners and behaviors by disciplinng them. The teachers teach the children to the advance levels by making sure the children get to understyand the meaning and importance of education.
The research design
Research design is what hold the research project together and makes it consistent. It shows the major parts of the research project which include: measures, treatments, samples, groups, methods of assignment and programs. In this article, the author used quasi-experinmental design because it did not use the random idea of assignment. The author used the social research and program evaluation to know how parents are involved their children education. The article explores how the parents play a crucial role the education development of their children. It provided a clear understanding on the important role the parents and teachers do in the child’s education development.
Method of data collection
The method used in this article to collect the data was questionnaires. The parents were asked to fill the questionnaires so that assessment on some issues would be done. The parents were sked how many times the children visits the library? At what age did the children started reading? What were the major challenges at the beginning of the children education? The frequency of storybook reading and the number of books he or she has read from the time he or she knew how to read.
Statistical analysis (correlation)
The statistical analysis of this article was done using correlation where literacy experiences was found in the parents who teach to be 0.7, vocabulary 0.15, print concept is 0.17, 0.08, 0.16, children education exposures was 0.06, 0.20, 0.14 and 0.07. correlation was used to show the importance of parents involvement in the education of their children.
From the article and analysis, I found that parents play an important role in children education. The children’s early education stems from the parents. For a child to be successful in his or her education a parent must be part of the team teaching the child on how to read and how to comprehend various education issues.
Opportunities for further research not already stated in the article
There are some opportunities which are not stated in the article. The children should be offered an extra tuition during the holiday by the parents after the normal school programs. The parents can also employee somebody qualified on contract basis to teach the children the basics about education if they not get enough time to do so themselves.
Threats to validity or rival hypotheses not already discussed
The article lack validity because, whatever the child was taught by the parents may not relevant.The content provided to them may not be helpful in future. The consistency of the parents involvement in children education may not be consistent; hence compromising its validity.
Original insight or criticism
The article does not give a clear guideline and statistics required to ease comparison. There are no guiding principles that makes these findings to be used to come up with a conclusion. All parents do not emphasize to their children the importance of educations; hence it may not be a true findings on what is happening or being done by all parents twards their children education.
Implications of the findings
The findings imply that, the children education can be made better by the parents. The parents must play a lead role in educating the children at their early age. It gives the importance of the parents in involving themselves in the the education of their children
Senechal Monique and LeFevre Jo-Anne (2002). Parental Ivolvement in the Dvelopment of
Children’s Reading Skills: A Five-Year Longitudinal Study. Child Development.
March/April 2002, vol. 73 (2): 445-460