A brief summary of the article
This article is dedicated to the depiction of the need for the regulation of the patient safety within the system of healthcare as well as assessment of the current gaps in this area and their underlying issues. It was indicated by the chief architect of Medicare (Wilbur Cohen) that the design feature rather than the glitch, prevents the federal program from the medicine practice policing (involving its quality and safety aspects). It was indicated that the core issues, related to the safety of the patients, are still not regulated in an effective manner. such regulation should be mainly oriented on protection of those individuals, who have entered the system of healthcare services’ delivery.
While taking into account the fact that there is no progress in this area, significant number of the safety advocates call for additional regulatory actions, issued by the government. The core reason for such actions is the fact that the providers of the healthcare services should admit that they are not perfect – as they do not match the regulations, set by the national system of public accountability.
Currently, the lion share of the healthcare establishments has the set of the strategic approaches towards improvement of the patient safety. That is why, the serious failures’ root-cause analyses should be conducted by the hospitals. Some of the healthcare entities work commonly with the quality-of-care groups. Such collaboration may be also referred as the hospital engagement networks, where the major purpose is popularization of the best healthcare practices, directed on the systematic improvement of the care. The policy of federal payments has been put by the Medicare in play for issuing the general changes into the quality of care.
The title of the article is the following - “Patient-safety advocates issue call for regulation”. Joe Carlson and Sabriya Rice are the authors of the article. The article is published by Modern Healthcare Journal on June 14, 2014.
In the scope of this article, the opinion information with its further analysis was represented. It is obvious that the opinion information implies the set of the conflicting aspects - such as the need for the healthcare improvement, the particular areas, which should be changed, the scope of the changes etc.
This article is a valuable source of data for the decision makers and the policies’ developers. This information may be also used by the analysts in the healthcare industry – for claiming regarding the particular aspects of the healthcare services’ provision, which should be changed, improved or substituted by the innovative policies, which, in turn, should take into account the entire set of the modern developments in the healthcare sector and in the area of electronic health records for maintenance of the patients’ claims and the suggestion of the healthcare providers.
Carlson, J.and Rice, S. (2014) Patient-safety advocates issue call for regulation. Retrieved from: http://www.modernhealthcare.com/article/20140614/MAGAZINE/306149779