The article we are to analyze is devoted to an urgent and pressing problem of global terrorism and the ways how government can prevent and preclude it. There are at least four methods that, according to the source in question, may be used in the process of fighting off terrorism. These include the following initiatives both on the part of government and general public: Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System (CAPPS), CAPPS 2 – a more developed and a little different system from CAPPS though the same in its essence, Secure Flight, Biometrics and Registered Traveler Program.
However, the article focuses on the problem in a broader context as well: it also discovers and discusses such issues inherent to the problem of global terrorism as, for example, definition of terrorism, or more specifically, definition on who can be regarded as the terrorist. It should be emphasized that the international or global aspect of the problem is illuminated in the article. In other words, the source argues that terrorism is the threat to the whole world and should be perceived as such.
There is a lot of research that can be found in the web that is dedicated to terrorism. In an article by B. Carsten "Jihadist Terrorist Use of Strategic Communication Management Techniques" the further insights on how terrorists work can be gained. According to the author of the article, terrorism has been on offensive in its use of modern mass media - the idea quite different from basic premise of the first article we have perused which rather maintains that mass media can be effective in struggling with terrorism. So it is important to prevent terrorists access to social media, claims B. Carsten, but this having been said, it should be acknowledged that the task is a really hard one and yet it cannot be put off. (Carsten, 2008)
Bockstette, Carsten (2008). Jihadist Terrorist Use of Strategic Communication Management Techniques: George C. Marshall Center Occasional Paper Series: 20-26.