Educational Institute
The design of this KM improvement facility used a combination of the Knowledge System Architectural Model (Williams 2014a) and the Knowledge Management System Design Process (Williams 2014b).
The Knowledge Opportunity
The PRINCE2 project management methodology is not being used effectively THE Australian Customs and Border Protection (ACBP) agency. It is not being tailored based on the size and complexity of projects. Small and simple project operators feel that it hinders rather than facilitates. It is also not being taught to incoming project members.
The name of the KM improvement project is the Project Management System 0 (PMS0) which is a computerized KM system for PM and its usage will be the Stage 0 for every project which will be PM methodology customization. Its goal is to configure the PRINCE2 methods that will be optimal for the size and complexity of the project and in doing so; the methods’ benefits will be realized.
In the ACBP’s project management practice manual, there should be a policy that all projects’ first activity is the customization of the PM methodology for optimal use and benefit of the project.
PMS0 will be owned, maintained and managed and by Project Management Office who oversees all the projects of ACBP. It will authorize its use by project managers who will comply with its usage guidelines
Most of the PRINCE2 practitioners would welcome this KM intervention as this will expedite and facilitate their work. The others who still use ACBP’s homegrown methodology may now appreciate customizable PRINCE2 with its better user-friendliness.
There can be a thinking that Stage 0 will just increase further the work demands of PRINCE2.
Knowledge to be Managed
All personnel who have involvement in projects are sources. They have roles to play, tasks to be done, ideas to contribute, actions implementing PRINCE2, feedback on the practices, lessons learned and experiences gained. These ideas and memories in their minds on how PRINCE2 was used are inputs to PMS0.
All content in PMS0 will be identified for their sources and validated by the PMS0 administrator.
Projects which have use similar PRINCE2 kits (output of PMS0) will be compared in terms of performance and the contribution of the kit to the same.
About 80%-90% of the personnel of ACBP have had project management and project experience. There will always be projects as long as ACBP exists.
All project experience that used PRINCE2 is relevant for PMS0. Experiences that used other methods can be mapped into PRINCE2 practice and inferred.
Knowledge for PMS0 can be classified by type of source into project management, project team, users, environment and by stage of project which is initiation, build, testing, roll-out and closing
Mode of Delivery
Illustration: PMS0 System
The mode of collaboration will be the Synchronous Technique (ST) where the project manager and PMS0 administrator will meet to validate the data input to system.
For every project, a project profile will be sent to the PMS0 administrator who will follow with an interview with the PM.
The interaction between project manager and PMS0 administrator is both formal and interpersonal. There are formal documents to be accomplished, a structured interview to be followed and free-form discussion to clarify all points. The demeanor of the PMS0 is to be helpful and pleasant to provide an image of support to all projects.
The main operator of the PMS0 is the system administrator who have had PM and data analysis skills and experience. He is also savvy with using IT applications.
Access Control
PMS0 is physically located only in the Project Management Office who will only receive authorized visitors such as project managers. Users can use PMS0 when the administrator logs-in the guest ID.
The PMO office is disabled friendly. There had been project managers in wheel chairs who have had successful sessions inside. The PMS0 workstation have adjustable desktops to conform to those on wheelchairs. Laptops can also be used for alternative data entry.
The PMS0 administrator has PM experience for both PRINCE2 and the old native methodology of ACBP. He is well versed in the latter to be able to translate information for pRINCE2 usage.
PMS0 is based on the premise that the default comprehensive version of PRINCE2 can be abbreviated to serve smaller and simpler projects without losing efficacy. Based on successful usage of PRINCE2, there will be template kits that will match the needs of various project profiles.
Business rules
The input to the system which is the project profile must be official and approved.
Only the project manager can be involved in the input of data to PMS0.
As outputs of PMS0, PM kits will be available in 10 versions.
Fine-tuning can be done as requested by the PM to form the final product.
ACBP project information is highly classified; illegal dissemination can harm the public interest. Physical and data security will be amply provided to PMS0.
PMS0 is owned by the manager of the Project Management Office. As a valuable human capital asset, the Commissioner also exercises oversight over its physical and data safety.
A new part of the project closing stage for every project is the post-project interview with the PMS0 administrator whose objective is input an evaluation on the effectiveness of the provided PRINCE2 kit for the management of the project.
There is currently no classification of content to be disposed of in the PMS0.
Existing Knowledge Assets
All the project and user managers who have used PRINCE2 have ideas on how it should have been configured beforehand to have been more effective. They are valid heuristics that can be fine-tuned in the design of PMS0.
The Knowledge Management Solution
The input to PMS0 is both tacit and explicit knowledge in the form of new project information and the tacit knowledge of the project manager in assessing the size and complexity of the project and his opinion on what features of PRINCE2 would just be enough to make it an effective methodology for his project. This would be the socialization mode in PMS0.
With the PMS0 administrator, they would decide on the input data to PMS0. Once completed, new explicit knowledge been created in the system which would represent externalization.
Combination would occur when the system analyzes the input data for the new project, makes comparisons to similar past projects’ data and configures PRINCE2 to produce the customized PRINCE2 kit. The PM and administrator would proceed to fine-tuning using the PM’s personal assessment as tacit knowledge to produce the final kit.
The process of integration occurs when the PM is already using the PRINCE2 kit and he continuously evaluates its effectiveness. He converts his insights into entries in his PM log which becomes explicit knowledge. The experience further strengthens the PM’s assessment skills on what version of PRINCE2 would be best for similar sized projects.
PMS0’s data must be backed-up regularly. Project files must be closed with completion of the post-project evaluation.
A report showing all projects registered in PMS0 will be posted for all managers to see. If a project is not yet listed, it means that there are still issues in the initiation stage. A compilation of PM’s feedback reports will measure the performance of PMS0 in facilitating projects.
The project management practice manual must be revised to include a Stage 0 in the PM process, which is all about the use of PMS0. The procedure of the post-project evaluation with PMS0 should also be included in the closing stage part of the manual.
Version control would be an important functionality as this will identify the numerous PRINCE2 kits. There will be general templates with a level-1 number and a refined version with a level-2 number. A level-3 is possible if the PM would request a change in the middle of the project.
Knowledge Management Actors
The owner of PMS0 is the manager of the Project Management Office who supports all projects of ACBP. PMS0 is a global asset as all projects are mandated to use it.
The knowledge of PRINCE2 customization is both in the minds of project managers experienced in using PRINCE2 and in the database of PMS0 where these managers have already inputted their assessments on projects sizing.
The main beneficiaries are the project managers who would use an optimum version of PRINCE2. There is also a data capture in the manpower of the project indicating experience or knowledge of PRINCE2 among members. Those who have none will be targets of training that will be organized by HR. The user managers will also appreciate that their participation in projects are more efficient.
The projects director will set the new policy on the use of Stage 0 and PMS0 and will ensure that all project managers will comply. The PMO manager will supervise the PMS0 administrator and related staff that PMS0 is serving the interests of projects. The managing director will support PMS0 by obliging user managers to respond for requests on feedback.
The custodian is the PMS0 administrator.
The project managers and PMS0 administrator are the main facilitators. The user managers also facilitate by providing feedback whenever requested.
PMO staff carries out regular back-up of the system and database. They also disseminate the regular reports. IT support maintains the system by providing malware protection and fixes to bugs.
Boundary Spanners
The PMO manager and projects director have collaborated on an article in an IT magazine about PMS0. The PMO manager has also spoken in conferences about the system. He is also being consulted by other government organizations that see the benefits of PMS0 for their turf.
Networks & Communities
The owner of PRINCE2 is AXELOS can be a consultant on the customization of PRINCE2. Other organizations who uses PRINCE2 can also be consulted on their experiences in using it.
Champions & Advocates
The ACBP Commissioner and the CFO are both champions who are responsible for projects delivered on time and within budget. PMS0 will be instrumental for both mandates.
Supporting Infrastructure
PMS0 is a stand-alone system with no need for a network. It needs a secured room within the premises of the project management office.
It needs a powerful server that can search a large database. It will need a printer to print reports and an image scanner to create files.
PMS0 has a text database to store PM data, information and knowledge. This same data is also backed-up in the cloud and in off-site storage devices.
PMS0 is an application designed and built by ACBP’s software developers. Software for image-to-text conversion was also bought to facilitate data entry.
PMS0 does not need a network.
Williams, D., 2014. Nuts and Bolts of a Knowledge Management System.
Williams, D., 2014. Designing Knowledge Management Systems. University of Canberra, Faculty of Information Science and Technology.