The process of socialization is essentially institutionalized phenomenon that realized through a system of specific social institutions. They designed to shape and adjust the social qualities of the person in accordance with socially significant values and norms of society, as well as to limit or strengthen the impact of various factors or to neutralize them. Gender relations is the backbone for the reproduction of a particular type of family, self-determination of the men and women in society, the choice of strategies for decision-making. Socialized identity of any type of society is extremely important to undergo gender-role socialization. Basic school of gender socialization of the individual is historically family.
The family acquires the necessary social skills, the basic patterns of behavior, attitudes, socio-cultural norms and rules are implemented emotional preferences.Family creates optimal conditions for psychological support and protection against overloads and stress arising from the interaction with the outside world. Gender and the family as a social institution cannot be considered separately because they are inextricably linked. Traditional gender roles have historically evolved in the family, then they were taken to the labor market as predominantly "female" - educator (teacher, nurse in kindergarten), nurse (cook, waiter), herbs nickname (doctor, nurse) and other functions to support the primary needs of the family members. “Male” profession usually assumed to primarily ensure the family money. “Members of some cultures may be more or less likely to exhibit a specific parental behavior” (Pinderhughes 941). Stereotypes in parenthood, which are defined as stable performance put women at a disadvantage in society compared with men in terms of achieving the status, power and access to resources, the most stable in the society. Parent duty as rigid attachment of women, not only biological but also to social reproduction, especially childcare, is the main argument of discrimination against women.
Special attention at the present stage of the crisis deserves a problem of paternity. "Fatherhood crisis" can be viewed as an aspect of family crisis, and as an aspect of the crisis of masculinity. In fact, the content of the paternal role and criteria of success of its implementation derived from the gender order and the specific historical forms of marriage and family. One of the most important characteristics of fatherhood is his social determinism. Society not only imposes certain requirements of age, economic, professional social status of father, but also regulates the behavior of a person having a certain status through a system of social roles. Social problems include growing fatherless, the frequent absence of the father in the family; insignificance and poverty of his father's contact with children compared with parent; pedagogical incompetence, ineptitude fathers, their lack of interest and inability to carry out educational functions, especially care for young children. The rudiments of differential gender socialization may register before the baby is born. Parents want to know the sex of the child, since the choice will depend on the name of the clothing items and baby care, toys, but most importantly will determine the style of socialization in the family of its primary agents, what are the parents and close relatives. In the process of education of the family introduces into the consciousness of children's gender norms, form certain rules of conduct and create a representation of who is a "real man" and what should be a "real woman." Subsequently, these gender norms are supported by a variety of social mechanisms (stereotypes in the media, traditions and customs).
Parents encourage boys and girls when they behave according to the patterns of gender behavior, condemn when they use the behavior of the opposite sex. Parents tend to blame lack of independence of the boys, girls are allowed to be dependent. As a result, the boys learn the principle that should rely on their own achievements, to gain self-respect and self-esteem of girls depends on how they are treated others. The influence of parents is one of the main socializing factors as family for a child is the first of its social world. Children watch their parents express their feelings, desires fulfill each other, communicate and build relationships with other people. This is the process of gender socialization. As a result, the child creates a model of what it means to be a man and a woman. Girls formulate ideas about who they are, by the relationship between mother and daughter. It leads to the reproduction of the individual characteristics of the society, and this explains why there can be and there are cultural features associated with "femininity" and why in most societies dominated by the same types of women's roles and personalities. Boys are considered (and perceive themselves) as being "better" than girls, and this is confirmed by the experiences derived independently from the family to the outside world. Girls develop female gender identity is more consistent. They do not have to overcome their early identification and attachment to the mother, as their ultimate identification of women as the same as the central figure, which concentrated their children's sense of dependence. Therefore, identification of the girl with her mother is different from the distanced position, occupied by the boy, trying to identify with the male role, and accompanying her behavior that he has to demonstrate. On the contrary, it is rather a strong personal identification with the characteristic features and values of the mother. Preparation of girls to the acceptance of the traditional aspects of women's role goes as quite natural and consistent process that includes many diverse and emotional relations between women. They grow by helping their mothers, and this practice is part of the process of growing up. They are under pressure to get them to enter into these relationships, as well as being caring and responsible. And only then they realize that in the outside world, as opposed to the home of the female, male-dominated. Boys can not therefore be practiced in their adult roles so they have to wait until they actually older. At the same time they are encouraged in the direction of achievement and self-confidence, and do not encourage in terms of dependence and intimacy. They are often more freely leave home alone or in the society of friends of the same age. Girls also are more involved in family life, and more involved in the female world that is common to all generations. They are not encouraged to go out and develop individually and independently. This subconscious internalization process can logically explain why so manifest male and female type of personality in different cultures and why they are being played at the time. Most of the men for a long time are at a distance from the baby, fully enabling the care of the baby to his wife. Parental father instinct develops in stages, and it may affect the appearance of a large number of external factors. The relationship with the father of the boys have a strong impact on his character, feeling, professional self-determination, the formation of ideology, style of behavior and more.
The material and economic basis of society plays a crucial role in determining what kind of characteristics will develop, and how to be pronounced differences between the sexes depending on their role in the production. Now “demographic changes have been accompanied by greatly increasing labor- force participation among women, even among mothers with young children” (Oláh 30). Also lack of participation of men in the upbringing of children is a problem of the modern society. In connection with the increase in the current number of single-parent families, many children are deprived of male communication in the family, do not have as an object to follow male patterns of behavior. It is true that in general men spend with their children is much less time than mothers, and only a small portion of this time is spent directly on care and communication with children. Modern men in this regard is not only not inferior to previous generations of fathers, but, to some extent, surpass them. This is observed in families, based on the principle of equality of the sexes and the roles where men often take on responsibilities previously considered purely feminine. In contrast, women's, men's social role is more distant from the children, less is available for the example and imitation. Children, especially preschoolers, are not able to either observe or be aware of the implementation of the fathers of social and professional functions. Also in the home of the fathers of modern functions of the family are not so clearly presented, do not always express the traditional masculine qualities attractive to boys: strength, courage, and responsibility, honesty. All this hinders the process of gender socialization. It was found that the absence of his father's upbringing leads to disturbances in the motivation to succeed, the emergence of problems in relations with a future spouse. Positive relationship with his father, on the contrary, develop such qualities in children, as an objective self-esteem, emotional balance, a stable moral and volitional, a good understanding of social norms, independence and optimism. In addition, the psychological content of the paternal role depends on his own experience in the family - from the paternity model, demonstrated by previous generations of fathers.
Boys and girls reproduce model the behavior of other men and women, echoing their difficulties and problems. In traditional families the authority of parents, especially his father, was "beyond criticism", the children grew up under strict discipline and the process of their socialization walking along the road thumb: the human way of life was predetermined. For the modern family became the main educational measures persuasion and personal example of their parents, and their effectiveness depends on the opinions and interests of children. According to psychologists, only the father of the child is able to form a capacity for initiative and the opposition group pressure. The more the child is attached to his mother (as compared with the father), the less he can actively resist the aggression of others. The smaller the child is attached to his father, the lower the self-esteem of the child, the less value it imparts social values. That father is a conductor between the child and society. Lack of knowledge about different approaches to the children by the father and mother is often a source of serious disagreements in the family. In the education of harmoniously balanced personality, having androgynous features, the gender approach is most relevant to modern society information type. The goal of gender socialization implies the need to help representatives of both sexes to become the happiest people in the society, that is, people competent, fully realizing their individual characteristics and abilities to get satisfaction from family and work, confident in themselves and their future.
Thus, in the process of socialization of the reproduction and development of gender culture community. Identify trends Reinventing the marital relationship becomes the active participation of women in social production, creating new economic component for the modern family. This woman recently more and more time is spent outside the family that makes the need for the distribution of roles and responsibilities not only in the sphere of family life, but also education.
The formation of a new type of marital relations in the modern family finds direct expression in the process of democratization of the family. Stable trend of the modern family implies the formation of a new style of family relations other than the beginning of a more democratic, moral and emotional richness, expressive relations between its members, which is a consequence of the significant social, cultural and economic change. This applies primarily to the relationship between husband and wife, which is the foundation of family life.
The trend of roles in the family bias towards female leadership implies a weakening of the male influence on the socialization of boys and superdominance of mother. For example, the father of the tradition continues to consider himself the head of the family, although it actually manages a mother who is forced to not only take care of the material welfare of the family, but also to educate their children, while the father of the modern often completely dismissive of the educational duties. Trying to fulfill family responsibilities of both parents, usually the mother tends to follow in their behavior accordingly the social and psychological roles that are usually divided between a man and a woman. Therefore, it is often guided by a distorted view of the role behavior of men in the family, becomes inflexible, too principled, authoritarian and power-loving personality, not prone to compromise, it assumes sole responsibility for the child. As a result of this "role of substitution" it loses those traditionally feminine traits that are associated with kindness, compassion and emotional responsiveness. Authoritarian mother taught children to unquestioning obedience, believing that education - it is possible to achieve the absolute obedience of children. This conflict between the social and psychological roles of mother and father in the modern family sensitively captured children that can not affect the characteristics of the formation of their personality and gender identity.
A variety of social characteristics of people leads to the conclusion that the biological sex can not be an explanation for the differences in their social roles that exist in different societies. Thus arose the concept of "gender", denoting a set of social and cultural norms that society requires people to perform according to their biological sex. Also socio-cultural norms ultimately determine the psychological qualities, behaviors, activities, career women and men. Gender explains the formation of gender in children on the basis of the existing culture of social stereotypes and shows that children use the floor as a principle of knowledge of the world, because the culture in all ways insists that sex is the most important category in the social life of mankind.
Works Cited
Oláh, Livia Sz. "Gender and family stability: Dissolution of the first parental union in Sweden and Hungary." Demographic research 4 (2001): 29-96.
Pinderhughes, Ellen E., et al. "Parenting in context: Impact of neighborhood poverty, residential stability, public services, social networks, and danger on parental behaviors." Journal of Marriage and Family 63.4 (2001): 941-953.