My observation was based on three documents. Both of them considered a particular set of language observation that had relations with English as a second language. These observations are important for Language studying. I will provide my analysis and observation below.
1st Journal Article
Vocabulary is currently identified as a fundamental part of language development and might be among the most significant components for language learners. Yang et al. (315), makes an observation based on an e-learning system that is known as MyEVA about a vocabulary strategy which provides learners who study English as a second language in making improvements on their vocabulary, the strategy is known as mixed modality strategy. As Yang and associates observe, vocabulary learning strategy (VLS) can be considered part of a design that helps learners in discovering memorize, meaning and also internalizing vocabulary.
Drawing their observation from various institutions Yang makes an observation based on My English Vocabulary Assistance MyEVA. This is a methodology of making studies that relate to vocabulary learning and is considered a suitable approach towards ensuring learning impacts the usage preference as well as learning outcomes. Yang’s research based on mixed modality learning vocabulary system for L2 learners stimulated the best vocabulary retention. The researchers believe that the study results conducted specifically in Taiwan ensured an insight for language teachers, particularly English e-learning developers for L2 learners and also provided almost a similar learning results as the internet with which the participants were familiar with.
2nd Journal Article
Ellis makes an observation based on an epistemological framework which he draws on idealization theory about philosophy of science that he then applies in from successive observations made under L2 contradiction in a similar database from 1978 to 2011. While providing retention to variation interest at a language learner level and development theory, he observes that research supports development sequence model that relates to language achievement. Ellis asserts that the “existence of developmental sequences is among the very significant observations that involve second language acquisition (SLA) observation in the current state. Currently, a general acceptance in the SLA research society that auction of the second language (L2) grammar, similar to the acquisition of first language L1 grammar, takes place in different stages.” Other variabilities exist, however, in the order that particular features transpire (Ellis 105). In other words, for any given language, particular grammatical structures are obtained early while others are acquired later in the process.
3rd Journal Article
Based on a model designed for native language learning Semaan, G., & Yamazaki (511) examines the relations that involve variables such as attitudes, motivation, perceived competence, and personal traits in predicting second language communication and learning. They administered such measures of language learning effect as intensiveness motivation and attitude towards learning situations and language anxiety as well. Semaan, G., & Yamazaki observe the relation that exists between second language learning motivation and global competence through the observations they make. In my words, global competence through foreign language learning requires a redefinition of second language context
While analyzing all these three journals, I observed that this collection of research has provided an attempt at capturing the essence of the concept of second language learning. The research done by various authors in these studies brought to my attention the understanding of second language acquisition and the variation interest at a language learner. For the most, there were similarities in the author’s observations. In my conclusion, the observations call into question the acquisition as well as emphasis of different L2 development of individual learners
Works Cited
Yang, Fang-Chuan Ou, and Wen-Chi Vivian Wu. "Using mixed-modality learning strategies via e-learning for second language vocabulary acquisition." Journal of Educational Technology & Society 18.3 (2015): 309-322.
Ellis, Rod. "Researching Acquisition Sequences: Idealization and De‐idealization in SLA." Language Learning 65.1 (2015): 181-209.
Semaan, Gaby, and Kasumi Yamazaki. "The Relationship Between Global Competence and Language Learning Motivation: An Empirical Study in Critical Language Classrooms." Foreign Language Annals 48.3 (2015): 511-520.