Christians and Jews have different perception and attitudes towards the state and the land of Israel in the post-1948 period. This difference is based on the fact that Jews seem to oppress inhumanly the Palatines yet oppression is not acceptable in the Bible. Moreover, there are some Palatines who are Christians and the Jews unconditional thirsty of imposing their influence and extending their borders exploit the Palestine’s rights.
The basis of the attitudinal differences is that Jews perceive and connects everything about the state of Israel and the Holocaust. On the other hand, Christians perceive the two issues differently. To Jews the state of Israel should excise its dominance to avoid recurrence of a similar calamity. However, Christians perceive Holocaust as an unfortunate event that should not be relied on to give Jews uncontrollable power and thirsty to expand Israel at the expense of the Palatines.
The second attitude difference is that Christians perceive Jews as propagators of Christian Zionism that seeks to oppress the Palatines. The Jews use Christian Zionism to show and prove their right to the land as well as the right to expand the borders at the expense of Palatines. However, Christians reject the notion of oppression regardless of using historical injustices to prove the oppression. According to Christians, there should be understanding between neighbors. Moreover, each person (Jews and Palestine) should show respect to each other. This is because all people are equal before the Lord. Thus, Christians demand Jews to restrain from any act that oppresses Palatines.
The other attitude difference is based on Jews perception that their continued extension of their Israel borders is per the will of God. Jews see their attempt to eat into Palestine land as a perfect way of meeting expectations of the lord. Liberal Christians perceive Jews stand as an infringement of rights of Palatines. According to Christians, Israel attempts to reclaim Palestine land is a sin. Moreover, many Christians believe that Palatines as a human should stand their ground and defend their land. The Old Testament propagated the use of war against the inhibitors of the Promised Land that the Jews claim; but, verses in the exodus from Babylon encouraged sharing of the land. Thus, Christians encourage Jews to come up with ways to share the land with Palatines without war and bloodshed. However, Jews abuse the Bible and rely on verses that support the use of war against anyone who opposes their claim on Israel. Unfortunately, the Christian Zionist camp sees no evil and hears no evil on the Jews use of unorthodox means to expand Israel at the expense of their neighbors’ i.e. Palatines.
The Jews see Israel existence and dominance as essential for their identity and existence. They do not see themselves as either a church or denomination, but as people who are neither ethnic nor religious. On the other hand, Christians see the Jews as a community that should be allowed to own land and belong to a state; however, the state should have limited borders. This limitation of borders is the issue that Jews dislike because they are keen on expanding their territory.
The Christians and the Jews have different attitudes regarding Israel. The main difference is the Jewish belief of using war to extend and protect its borders from Palatines and their perception that they are chosen people with the exceptional right over their neighbors.
Perfect Model Essay On Thought And Role Of Religion In Middle East Conflict
Type of paper: Essay
Topic: Middle East, Judaism, Jews, Christians, Israel, Land, Perception, Border
Pages: 2
Words: 550
Published: 03/08/2023
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