The Sports R US is the leading sports company and act as a provider of clinics, camps and sporting activities. It is the best training center for the sports related activities. Sports R US offers quality sports programming to the Chicago suburban community. They can provide a variety of sports program year round. They have the responsibility to offer staffing and equipment for all programs. They are organizing the youth sports programs. Now, they start up new company renders self service for the customers. This online convenient self-service solution for customers accessing sports products. The Web application would need to be available on mobile devices. The company required human communication integration guide for implementing this self service. They carry out quality programs and offers good teaching for youngsters and sportsman. They provide all of the necessary sports equipment, supplies and materials needed for a program. The technological aspects of HCI are known as computer programming languages and computer programs.
An increasing number of applications used in the service industry take HCI into consideration in design and implementation. HCI is the system design and maintaining the interaction between the user, machine and the required service in order to attain a performance in quality and optimality. It is the user friendly technology (Myers, 1994). In this paper, the prototype and implementation of developing self service technology using mobile devices will be discussed.
The main objectives of developing the self service using mobile devices are accessing the products and services quickly without any interruption. This makes the customers feel user friendly to the web site and they can shop or join Sports R US in sports activities and also buying the equipments.
Target audience:
This service will focus on the youth and sportsmen. The younger generation who are interested in sports likely to join in this training program.
Information Gathering:
In earlier days, the people used desktop and laptop for the internet services and being commercialized. They have used these devices for the searching of companies, products and services. Nowadays, mobile devices have tremendous market penetration where the companies should determine how the smartphones changed the path of the consumers to use the internet.
Mobile devices have influenced how people shop the products through online. In a recent survey, 79% of the local business searches made through mobile device which turns into purchases. This is how the online site attracts the consumers by showing their products and services on the display page. Sports R Us must show all the equipment and materials in the home page in order to attract the customers in an efficient way. This makes sports user to join or get training from this center (Datta, 2010).
There are certain things which changed the mobile devices over ecommerce. The audience needs the following requirements for using this service as default. They are,
Advice from peers:
People do not spend much time for taking decision when they come to eCommerce. They are getting advice from the peers, online friends and take to social media. Ecommerce is the best tool for popularizing over business via online.
Check reviews:
Hence, Sports R Us is the self service company, it is necessary to know about the reviews of the company’s products and services. Now, it is an easier way to type in search terms and find reviews about the business by just tapping on the mobile devices.
Shop on the Go:
The consumers can buy the product through online at home or at work. They can even begin shopping while they are in motion. This is the opinion of the consumers in which the site should be available at any time.
Fast Price Comparisons:
It is important to think about the fastest price comparison, the customer having mobile devices know about the local merchant’s offers by using the camera on the mobile device to image an item bar code will be displayed. The interesting fact is, online competitor while still in the store, but the consumers can know about the offers and discounts (Jincheol Kim, 2007).
Digital coupons:
This is an important element of the mobile marketing. Sports R Us offers more special offers to attract the customers because they are a startup company. The site should be mobile friendly websites. But in the recent survey, the self service experiences have been increased from 68% to 77%. So the seller can establish self service to the customers and implementing the mobile devices with self service.
Self Service strategy:
The company is getting more benefits by using the mobile devices with self service. The people are using mobile devices for viewing the images on the screen with higher resolution.
The company website design does not a real matter. The poorly designed portal will minimize the attraction of the information and also distracts the customer interest for utilizing the website. So the website should be designed properly with all related contents about the company (Jo, 2005).
Once the information is updated, there is need to make changes in the topics related to the new products and services.
The business stakeholders must need some assistance from the technical team in order to design or configuration the website. Hence, the issues should be avoided from the IT developers, so this company can move more forward by accessing this mobile device with self service.
In case of any query and complaints, there is need of user friendly technology to solve the issue by using this portal. If the customer wants to return some sports equipment, the portal should have the option to reply on the spot, not navigating away from the check out page (Wang, 2015).
Layout of constructing mobile self service of sports R US
The designing of website sounds good on the mobile self service. This design allows the visitors to search the specific topics and requirements of the particular website. Before designing the website, the test should done on the devices. If the site can view on iPhone or different mobile devices, the server page should support all the mobile operating system or server. The testing can be done by using emulators does not provide much feel for navigating through the website on the little screen, it just does the testing.
The web pages used by the user should be degraded gracefully with the help of developers. The pages can be written by using Flash enabled, wide screen browsers and be conscious about the critical information should be visible to the customers. Some portal does not support any special features like cookies, JavaScript and Ajax. Most of the mobile devices and smart phones support XHTML while some devices can’t.
Establish Core Archetypes:
Core Archetypes is one of the prototypes used for implementing the self service and mobile devices. In this process, it does not cover each and every single audience, but there is the need for having core personas. For instance: let us consider the two aspects, the person who knows about the sports product and others does not know. The user needs to know how to access these sites and services is the main purpose of the prototyping (Shankararaman & Lee, 1994).
It mainly aims at a process of identifying the works of having the personas and then takes the initiate in expanding from there. In establishing the core archetypes, personas will be helpful. It is necessary to determine the main aspects of accomplishing archetypes in the service is the user who gives prior to buy the brand and how the products reach to them. This experiences user to know about the company site.
Testing user experience:
User Testing is also one of the prototypes which provides a numerous variety of services. These services are used for testing the user’s experience and make a survey about the variety of the service that the user can see real time video. For the user convenience, it is tested conversion and user experience otherwise they can pay separately by use of testing tools. IUsabilityTools is one kind of tool that allows user to create feedback forms, test web forms and record visitor activity.
User Task Analysis
This is the most used testability tools for testing the user experience. It is used to test that the users could establish the tasks and goals. This tool is used to evaluate the core tasks of the users. This is a user friendly tool and records each review about the consumers in an efficient way. The reviews can be viewed by reading blogs and posts in social media by leaving the comments. This tool provides more benefits like liability, preciseness, efficiency, memorability and affordance (Silven, 2008). This tool can test the participants with respect to their location and booking equipment and searching for participant and like to join in the training center or program.
The smartphones render mobile consumers in a sophisticated way to access a variety of online applications such as mobile app. This can include business application to support customer self service needs to acquire real time live assistance.
The requirement for this self service application should be simplified and flexible and easy to access to the live assistance whenever the customer runs into problems. There are two basic challenges occurs in implementing the mobile self service applications. They are,
The sophisticated platform for developing, creating, maintaining and running the mobile apps.
Rendering integration with the customer assistance staff through the clock for assistance called multimodal contacts (Mallikharjuna Rao, 2012).
There are two basic operational problems in implementing the self service application is satisfying the customer experience needs and satisfied the needs according to the customer requirements. This can also reduce the need for live assistance in accessing the web service. If the service requires live assistance, the legacy contact centers should be available with skills based routing technology (Troutman & Timpson, 2008). Most of the consumers hated the IVR applications because of time consuming limitations. This visual online self service applications will offer more utility to mobile consumers, information about the customer recent interaction activity and current status for routing intelligence.
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