Performance review is a constant process of evaluating employee performance over a particular duration of time. During the performance review, employees are told what their employer expects from them. The employees are also rated depending on the objectives of the company on how well they have achieved those objectives. Performance reviews are used by the human resource department to support their decisions that may include promotions, training, terminations, and those employees who deserve pay increases.
Grote (1996) notes that here is always a thin line between receiving performance reviews and conducting a performance review on the employees as a manager. Often, managers question the need for performance reviews on them as they consider the performance reviews to be ineffective on them and sometimes perceive it as a waste of time, on the other hand; managers like giving performance reviews as the reviews provide a platform where the manager can evaluate an employee’s performance.
As a manager, our company uses the top down performance review system. In this process, the manager monitors employee performance and development throughout the review period. The manager then uses a rating system after a particular time to rate the employee’s performance assessment. The manager then discusses these results with the employee. This review is usually done annually.
According to Guerra-López (2008), performance reviews should be conducted in a manner that does not create a negative experience to the employees. The review method should not be a mere waste of time and for the review to be effective, it should be motivational in nature. Performance reviews are useful as it gives the manager a chance to give an employee feedback on their performance and inform the employee if the company’s objectives are being met.
Finally the most useful comments that managers receive during performance reviews are that the managers are very hard working, do their job satisfactorily and that the managers create a good working environment. The worst comments that managers receive include being told that they are sloppy; their office is a mess and deadlines are not always met.
Grote, R. C. (1996). The complete guide to performance appraisal. New York: AMACOM.
Guerra-López, I. (2008). Performance evaluation: Proven approaches for improving program and organizational performance. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.