Immigration (from the Latin «Immigro» -. «seize ») - the process of population’s movement from one country to another country on a temporary or permanent residence.
Historically, the most attractive country for immigration has been and remains the United States of Amerika. Population growth is due to immigration only 2 times less than natural growth. Immigration to the US is interesting mainly because of employment opportunities, not only professional development, and commercial activities, and the successful implementation of economic projects.
There are several reasons for immigration:
1)Immigration for family reunification
Citizens and permanent residents of the United States are entitled to apply to the Service of the US Citizenship and Immigration with a request for the extradition of their family immigration visas. US citizens have the right to apply for the benefit of their spouses, parents, children and siblings. Lawful permanent residents have the right to file an application for issuance of an immigrant visa to their spouses and minor children, unmarried. The number of people arriving in the United States for permanent residence, cannot exceed 480 000 per year.
2)Working immigration
American employers interested in hiring foreign workers with special qualifications may apply to the Service of Citizenship and Immigration to grant such an application to such a specialist for immigration work visa, which gives him the right for permanent residence and work in the US (Green Card). However, in order to protect the labor rights of Americans, the employer must obtain the consent of the Federal Service for the US employment on hiring a foreign worker. To do this, he must provide evidence that the United States among the working population does not have people with the necessary skills to perform the work, on which a foreign employee is invited, and who want to work on the proposed terms. In addition, the US employer must prove that hiring a foreign worker will not lead to a deterioration in the working conditions of American workers or reduce wages. There are also other immigration category for those who can apply on their own (without a job offer), in particular for investors, individuals possessing extraordinary abilities or special talents that lie in the interests of the United States Government.
A person who was persecuted at home because of the membership of a particular racial, ethnic or religious group, membership in social or political organizations and associations can apply to the US immigration authorities to grant him asylum in the United States. To obtain refugee status, the person must present convincing evidence that it is subjected to harassment or has reason to fear of persecution. In some exceptional cases, refugees can apply for asylum while being on the territory of their home country (such as Cuba, Vietnam, the former Soviet Union). In the case of receiving refugee status, the foreigner receives a visa and arrives in the United States, which receives support under the current "refugee resettlement program."
Foreigner arriving in the United States may apply for asylum if he has reasonable grounds to fear persecution by the State if he returns to the homeland. In both cases, to obtain refugee status foreigner must submit reasonable evidence that the threat of persecution or harassment is real. A citizen of a foreign state recognized as a refugee is entitled to protection by the United States after receiving official confirmation of refugee status. In most cases, the foreigner is entitled to petition for refugee status within one year from the date of arrival in the United States. After one year of receipt of this status, a refugee can contact the Service of Citizenship and Immigration of the USA with a request to change its status to a lawful permanent resident of the USA, which gives him the right to work in the United States, as well as the right to freely return to the US after short absences.
The United States of America from the very first day of its existence, is a country of immigrants, and American history knows periods when during one century the number of people, who have entered the country was more than the number of those, who lived on its territory. Perhaps that is why the US Constitution does not provide any restrictions to immigration, and the first laws governing the stay of foreigners on its territory, appeared only in the early 19th century. US immigration policy has arisen after the adoption in 1776 of the Declaration of Independence. The initial phase of US history was characterized by the absence of any restrictions on the intensity and structure of immigration flows. It was aimed at promoting the influx of immigrants to meet labor needs, aggravated in connection with the beginning of the Civil War and the subsequent decrease in the influx of new immigrants.
The United States is a country founded and built by immigrants. This is a unique, wonderful place where people from around the world came to get new opportunities to start a new life.
Peri, G. (2012) studied, that the social and economic consequences of such demographic changes are documented and can be a surprise to the general public. For example, studies have shown that the mere participation of immigrants in the economy leads to an increase in tax revenue at the federal and local levels, as well as to an increase in consumer spending. In addition, immigrants created jobs for Americans and, apparently, did not cause the increase in unemployment.
Modern immigration no longer serves the purposes of forming a single community - and this, in my opinion, is a qualitative difference from the previous stages in the history of the West.
Damm, A. (2009) studied, that American multiculturalism actually means that anyone who is of the opinion of the superiority of Western civilization and culture, who consider Christianity the only true religion, appears as a heretic and seems to be dangerous; Meanwhile, representatives of all the people and adherents of any religion, defining their identity, somehow isolated themselves from the masses of other people, putting their valuables in something higher, and ideals - more sophisticated, and the superiority of the element is inevitable, even in latent form contained in any national or religious ideology. Modern America is transformed into structured society, losing their ability to preserve their own identity. It follows that it does not have the right to speak and act on behalf of the entire Western world.
It should be noted that the US Constitution does not contain any provisions limiting immigration, it only authorizes the Congress to legislate immigration, as the issue relates to the competence of the federal authority and states that immigrants must pay a fee for entry into the country. In the first hundred years of the American state immigration in the United States was not a problem, because American society was entirely composed of immigrants and had extensive opportunities for the employment of the arriving immigrants. Prior to the beginning of the XIX century, there was no special law concerning immigration, and there were no official lists of arrivals.
However, despite this, immigration has always been a subject of heated debate since the beginning of the history of the country and even from the end of the XVIII century, when English settlers in Pennsylvania have expressed concern over the influx of German immigrants. Including raised the issue of the full opening of borders.
Open state borders to all comers - one of the most radical and unpopular ideas almost anywhere in the world. Recently, however, the movement called Open Borders, consisted of various economists and scientists, have appeared in the United States. Representatives of the movement believe that prohibiting people from moving to another country is not only immoral, but also extremely unprofitable: the destruction of borders will significantly improve the economic situation throughout the world. The members of the Open Borders explain their position by several factors.
Clemens M. (2011) studied, that opening of borders could increase global GDP. First of all, the economists have for many years trying to explain why some countries are rich and others - no. In part, it depends on how a particular country are well-developed socially and state institutionally. Therefore, when people move to a place with a developed system of institutions, their productivity increases. It is much easier to run a business in the US than in Afghanistan.
Secondly, open borders will increase the efficiency of many industries. American professors often cut their lawns themselves and this can serve as a symbol of low productivity. Very few people can study physics or philosophy, lawns however can be cut virtually everyone. It would be more effective if professors has hired workers for mowing and focused on physics and philosophy. Billions of people around the world would be happy to do it for a few dollars per hour, but they hinder the immigration restrictions.
Thirdly, changes in immigration laws also give the opportunity not to move production to inappropriate places. Over the past thirty years, from the US to China moved million factories, even though it would be better if they have worked in the United States, where legal system is more developed, and the markets are closer. Open borders would allow the workers to arrive at work, and not vice versa, and of course, it would be more effective.
Kerr, W. R. (2010) also argued that it is necessary to open the US border to all most intelligent and talented because people with education can stimulate innovation and positive impact on the economy. It is strange, though widespread misconception, that only highly qualified specialists could make a useful contribution. Ordinary workers, can also benefit the economy.
Moreover, they thought, that today a great moral significance is attached to an egalitarian state model in which general education, high taxes and big salaries do homogeneous population. Therefore, the countries do not want to see on its streets poor immigrants. How economic equality within the country can be regarded as a moral triumph, if the scope of international inequality is still so high?
All those, who are in favor of open borders, find that helping those, who are in need - is a natural moral duty of every person. If you think about the economic, political and other opportunities that are open to immigrants, local minor inconveniences seem insignificant.
Today, open borders - one of the most unpopular ideas of Western democracy. But it does not mean, that it's a bad one. There was a time when slavery was considered a matter of course, but now it is destroyed, and everyone are sure that this was the right move.
Damm, A. (2009) Ethnic Enclaves and Immigrant Labor Market Outcomes: Quasi Experimental Evidence, Journal of Labor Economics, 27, 281-314.
Clemens M. (2011) Economics and Emigration: Trillion-Dollar Bills on the Sidewalk, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 25 (3), 83–106.
Kerr, W. R. (2010) The Supply Side of Innovation: H-1B Visa Reforms and U.S. Ethnic Invention, Journal of Labor Economics, 28(3), 473-508.
Peri, G. (2012) The effect of immigration on productivity: Evidence from US states, Review of Economics and Statistics, 94.1, 348-358.