Personal strengths are individual internal characteristics that can be referred to as the assets that enable one to live a healthy successful life. They are the core competencies that describe the individual’s innate capacity to accomplish his/her dreams. However, most of the people are unable to identify their specific strengths. Research has shown that unless one is able to point out their strengths, they may not attain their full potential as far as succeeding in life is concerned. To help in the identification of personal interest, several individuals have embarked on programs that enable people to identify their strengths. Dr. Martin Seligman, Director of the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania, has established one program: PERMA. By filling a questionnaire (240 questions), the program know his/her strengths.
One of the questionnaires available at Dr. Seligman website or rather program is the VIA Survey of Character Strengths. As aforementioned, after answering the questionnaire, the program provides one with the list of his/her strengths. From the exercise, I have learned that one’s strengths occur in a certain order as depicted from their level of expression in real life situations. It is important to mention the questionnaire revolves on one’s daily behavior in relation to his/her view of the world, environment and relationship with other people in a given societal setting. From the results, my top most strength is citizenship, teamwork and loyalty. The other top strengths that I possess are hope, optimism and future-mindedness; industry, diligence and perseverance; judgment, critical thinking and open-mindedness with the fifth top strength being bravery and valor.
Among my top five strengths, I feel a great sense of ownership for my second-ranked strength from the questionnaire results-optimism and future-mindedness. I do not only expect the future to offer me the best but put a lot of effort to achieve the best in life. Optimism gives me the strength to overcome all challenges and obstacles that I come across in the actualization of my dreams. Such an outlook has been my driving force in maintaining a positive self-identity and avoiding any health-risky behaviors that might sabotage my efforts towards a bright future. Optimism and future-mindedness has played a pivotal role in the development of a few other top strengths in me.
Industry, diligence and perseverance are the constituents of one of my top strength. It is interrelated with my quest to achieve the have the best in the future and that I have to work to achieve it. I work hard to finish what I begin and do not allow any distractions to take the better part of me when working on my projects. This is essential in the success of my profession for I have to not only work on my projects with enthusiasm but I should also remain focused until I achieve success. It does not matter the number of times an idea or concept might fail but I will persist until I produce great results.
I also feel a great sense of ownership and authenticity for judgment, critical thinking and open-mindedness. For instance, I would never make nay haste decisions. Every decision in my life is important and requires that I put into consideration all the facts involved to avoid regrets in the future. Additionally, to achieve success in my profession, I need to always think before acting since most of the decisions affect other people’s lives and I have the responsibility to ensure their well-being.
In conclusion, I intend to use my most treasured strengths: optimism and future-mindedness; Industry, diligence and perseverance and judgment, critical thinking and open-mindedness to have a successful profession. They are the key to being a loyal citizen to the nation.