Question 1: Candidate’s Statement
I believe that I have what it takes to successfully go through the pharmacy course and become a successful leader in the field. This is because I believe I have qualities that make me well placed to go through with such an endeavor. First of all, I have the ability to study different concepts, synthesize them and apply them in real life situations. This can be seen in my academic background, through which I have attained skills and competence in different fields such as Electrical Engineering, Environmental Science, Chemistry, and Biochemistry. In all of these courses, I excelled quite exemplarily, which makes me feel that I have the ability to do even better in my academic endeavor.
The other factor is that I am quite inquisitive. Rather than just sitting around and being told how different concepts work and how the systems came to be, I like inquiring and finding out. This is the reason as to why I looked into different areas in academics as I sought to look for explanations for the diverse things in life. Through my inquiries, I have gathered a lot of knowledge in different areas. The most outstanding fact is that I can apply all these concepts in different situations and get results. This implies that I have the ability to internalize knowledge, synthesize it and relate it to real life situations. I consider this to be a major factor in my ability to lead in the pharmaceutical profession since it implies that when consulted by a situation, I can look beyond the superficial and see the intricate factors surrounding a situation. I can then use the knowledge and skills I have in addressing the situation in the most amicable way. I have learnt a problem solving strategy which involves a deep inquiry into a problem, assessing the possible solutions and their consequences, and then implementing the best solution. I believe that these are some of the factors that set me apart from the pack.
I also enjoy challenging opportunities and tough assignments. I do not take these as a way of humiliating me or making me feel that I know less. Rather, I look at them as opportunities for me to learn. They help me identify the areas in which I am weak, and formulate ways of coming up with a solution. This closely ties with the experiences I have had. As I worked in my previous stations, I realized that I need to have more skills which can aid me in helping the people who are in need and restoring the smile on their faces. However, all my previous qualifications did not give me any knowledge on how I could do this. As such, when confronted by a situation that required me to apply the skills on people, I found myself to e wanting and that is why I enrolled for this program. It is a way of making me to be an all rounded individual.
I believe that the above characteristics put me in a position where I can easily take up the lead role in this field. I have a vast wealth of knowledge and skills, and I am equally motivated. I do not hold back from a challenge but rather seek a way for solving a problem that I encounter in the field. The only area I was lacking was in the pharmaceutical skills that could help me in relating better with the people. This is the reason as to why I value this opportunity so much. It will help me unleash the full potential in me and help me make an impact in my community.
Question 2: Extracurricular, Leadership, Volunteer, Community Activities and Work Experience
As I mentioned in my PharmCAS application, I have experiences in which my leadership skills, motivation, involvement, knowledge and skills can be realized. For the purpose of this essay, I will base my explanation on the experience I had at the experience I have in organic and inorganic chemistry, with the main focus being in the separation and purification of natural products. My expertise in this area heavily rotates around the separation and purification processes such as phase separation, distillation, re-crystallization, and phase separation. This goes hand in hand with the ability to identify and characterize the qualitative analysis strategies. This is quite a wide area of knowledge.
The application of the same came about when I was working on a project on the same area. It was a tough project and I had to work under strict deadlines, but still expected to deliver results. Though I was not the overall leader of the project, I had the responsibility of making sure that the section in which I was based delivered the results in time. I volunteered my time, skills and energy and even worked beyond the normal hours; I added extra hours to the regular work hours just because I was dedicated to the project and I really wanted to see it come to fruition.
Eventually, my efforts and those of my team actually paid. Thanks to the successful completion of the project, I received a Gold iGME award of the International Genetic Engineered Completion in 2011. This was recognition of the efforts that I had pout into the project.
Through this experience, I gained quite a lot which makes me feel I can handle any position of leadership. I learned valuable skills such as punctuality, working with difficult people, motivating individuals, being a good team member and even the leadership skills among others. All these contributed a great deal to the person I am today, and ii look forward to making such accomplishments again in the future.
Question 3: Professional Acumen and Cultural Awareness
In the modern era, the effects of globalization and modernization cannot be wished away. Advancements in technology have made the world one village. Transport and communication has become much easier and it is practically possible for a person to take breakfast in Texas, have lunch in London and supper in Moscow. The point is that in a single day in the line of duty, an individual can encounter quite a lot of different people. Therefore, understanding and appreciating diversity is one measure that can help an individual to be competitive, especially in a profession that involves interactions with different people such as pharmacy.
I am well aware of this fact and I believe my academic and professional endeavors have brought me to situations which have made me encounter and work with diversity. As mentioned before, I have gained academic skills in different areas. In all those places that I went to in search for knowledge, I have encountered and interacted with people from different backgrounds, different countries of origin, different languages and different values. All along, I have lived in a cosmopolitan community that has taught me to appreciate all and to respect the values of all. I could state that these experiences have made me better at understanding and accepting the people from diverse cultures.
In my years of work experience, I worked with people who were equally diverse. Through such experiences I came to appreciate that we all have different abilities. As member of a team, I learnt that the best way would be to appreciate the differences and use them to the advantage of the overall mission. Since everybody is good at one thing or another, the resourcefulness of all the people in a team can be harnessed and used to the successful completion of a project. However, this can only happen if all the people are appreciated, respected and treated as equals. Otherwise, looking down upon some people due to their aspect of diversity can make them retreat into their cocoons, making it hard to exploit their full potential. Due to these experiences, I have come to accept the fact that diversity is not an inconvenience. Rather, it is an opportunity for professionals to learn new ways of doing things. I look forward to implementing that in my practice.
Question 4: Personal Perspective
Well, it is well known and appreciated from the nature of humans that man is a social being. That is, there is a great value attached to the relationships between people. Understanding and implementing this fact can aid in developing healthy and beneficial relationships which, in the long run, improve an individual’s quality of life.
Through my experiences, I have come to see the human condition as a kind of symbiotic relationship. The building of the social networks is not just for the sake of it. Rather, people seek to be associated with people who can be of benefit to them and who can add value to their lives. This could be the reason as to why it is argued that true friends are hard to find and even harder to keep. This is mainly because many people tend to be egocentric when they get into the social networks; they only think of themselves.
Since I have a passion for making life better for people, I sought out ways that can make me a better individual. I realize that it is about thinking about other people, putting their interests first and showing value for their integrity and wholesomeness as people. This leads to the acquisition of values such as courtesy, understanding, respect for individuals and respect for their property and privacy. Understanding these simple life facts and observing them can make the difference between being a darling of the people, and being the public enemy number one. Of course, I intend to be the former.
Armed with this knowledge, I intend to be a better person during my tenure as a student at UCSF, and further during my future as a pharmacist. After all, the student life is just a preparation for the future. I intend to be sociable, approachable, understanding and respectful of all regardless of their status, gender, race, or any other factor that can be used to discriminate against people. I am an individual who respects and values the rights of others, and I intend to do exactly that during my time as a student at the institution. After all, it not only helps me achieve my aspirations at the moment, but also molds me to becoming a better member of the society.