Our world changes every day. Modern highly developed industrial society has quite different system of values than it used to have years ago. New technologies took their place in our lives so firmly, that we can hardly imagine a day without habitual gadgets. Especially, this point concerns the youth. Young people seem to hold their mobile phones in the hand all day long. Moreover, constantly developing stuff and games aggravate the addiction to the mobile phones. A shining example of the situation is a new version of a popular Japanese game Pokemon Go.
Pokemon Go has provoked a new gaming boom. People, who downloaded the game, look crazy. On the one hand, the game makes people walking, in order to catch the Pokemon. Nevertheless, it’s rather poor justification to people’s anti-social behaviour. Does it mean that people have no other reason for walking? Reuters presented a set of photos that illustrate the gap between people, created by new Pokemon game. The situation frightens Nowadays, less and less time is left to human interaction, because everyone is busy only with his device.
In addition to the lack of live communication, Pokemon can lead to the increasing number of accidents and injuries. People wander the city without lifting up the head. As a result, they can crash into the objects, other people, or even they can be involved into the car accident.
People, who are not fans of the game, realize how ridiculous the gamers look. One young gamer, says that “he would rather play inside the house, and enjoy real life outside” (Dan). His position shows that not all the gamers are addicted to their gadgets. They can simply put down the phone, go out with friends, and talk without a phone. Despite the fact that the new app add to the obsession we have with our phone, there still is a chance that not everything is lost.
Works Cited
Dan. “I love Pokemon”. Yahoo! Finance. Dbroberts. Web. July 11, 2016.
Reuters. Pokemonsters: Meet the people going crazy. July 11, 2016. New York City. Web. July 13, 2016