Public Policy
Public policy has been the foundation of political survival. The field of political science has taken note and included this topic on its top list of important subjects of discussion. The three are direct model, mediated model, and finally the joint effect model (Pérez, Bolívar, & Hernández, 2008) .These models try to prove that public opinion is vital to public policy and should therefore be taken with utmost importance. This also includes public opinion and political alliances with their influence on public policy.
The journal explores the effect that the government has when it gives financial records on its websites. It also examines the impact that the publicity makes and whether it benefits the viewer’s public opinion. A regression was also performed to analyze the relationship between the citizens and the government thereafter (Pérez, Bolívar, & Hernández, 2008). The research revealed a much-neglected part of public policy. It revealed that the government had neglected very important of public policy that gives very good results when integrated with the three-way relationship of public policy.
This method has become popularly recognized as e-democracy (Pérez, Bolívar, & Hernández, 2008). The higher the degree of transparency, the better the public image. It improved the image of the government while at the same time building confidence in their leadership. This has therefore been explored by many governments in the resent past thanks to the technological advancements that have occurred.
In conclusion, this journal shows the benefits of using the publicity government financial records to gain a good public image. It displays the benefits and potential threats that may be experienced after adopting this public policy. However, the benefits outweigh the threats and governments should take this risk.
Pérez, C. C., Bolívar, M. P. R., & Hernández, A. M. L. (2008) e-Government process and incentives for online public financial information: Online Information Review, 32 (3) 379 - 400