Nowadays luxuries are rapidly growing in popularity in the world. Due to high consumer demand, more fake bags are coming out to satisfy a group of people whose living standards are not very high and will hence not afford original bags.
Fake bag companies that make exactly what real bags look like are considered illegal for the piracy. There are controversial issues about whether a fake printed bag is illegal.
Recently a new Taiwanese brand “Banane Taipei” comes into fashion trend in Taiwan, which is known for fake printed bag. Ironically, some people might not be familiar with the fake printed bag. It is a canvas tote with a printed picture of a luxury bag in it. This brand brings out “Banane Bag” series, which is designed with the screen-printed picture of Hermes Birkin on the canvas tote. This series is spread to the whole China market faster courtesy of variety shows. Super stars that are carrying the bags in the public make people to go out in the market to buy it. It has three-month waiting list of purchasers.
Hermes Birkin is Hollywood stars’ favorite, and each bag is worth at least ten thousand dollars, some are over thirty thousand dollars. As the Banane Bag spread out, Hermes finally accuses Banane Taipei as trademark infringement.
Personally, I do not think it is an infringement. From the designing concept to the materials used, the bags are very different besides having printed picture on it. It is a true original creative product for me. As Hermes contention refers, Banane Bag has the same shape with Hermes Birkin that is trapezoid, and copies the logo of Hermes, which is a coach. But there are thousands of handbags in the world, and only several different shapes can be made as handbags. Shape should not be considered as ones own attribution. Furthermore, their logos are different. One logo is a coach without anything in it, and another logo is a coach with a banana in it! Is such a logo not humorous?
Moreover, famous luggage brand “RIMOWA” invites Banane Taipei to have cooperation bringing out the same idea product like Banane bag. RIMOWA thinks fake print is an interesting original idea, and the canvas bag with printed RIMOWA luggage can advertise ROMOWA free. It is the same case as Hermes Birkin. Is this not an excellent advertisement? Is there anything better than free for charge? Who will refuse free advertisement? Probably Hermes.
Another case is that CHANEL 2.55 bag is printed by Banane Taipei as well. But CHANEL creative director Roni Brunn responds that it is freedom of expression and humor, and she believes their bags are protected by the fair use and there would not have confusion between their products and anyone else’s. It is the confidence and magnanimity that luxury brands should have as the leader of the global fashion. Hermes Birkin as the most expensive handbag in the world should trust its own value, which no one can change. Because history makes the value and history cannot be altered.
In my opinion, the printed bag is a facetious fashion design. The market has many luxury brands with top prices that have a different interpretation of myth and fashion. Many people regard those as endless field. Therefore, society needs those humorous designs to attract people’s eyeballs, people then have the interest to know fashion. Fashion should also be presented in its authentic value that will be attractive to all.
Creativity is what will make one product stand out more then the other, just because a product looks similar to the other, it does not necessarily mean that it is an infringement. Bigger companies have a tendency of suing upcoming companies especially when they realize that their products are moving faster than theirs are. They fail to realize that they are in a competitive world that requires them to change their sales techniques as well as improve on their designs. Fake print is a humorous trademark that was adopted to make the product outstanding and consequently attractive. We are living in a serious world and the best thing the company could do is adopt a humorous design that will put a smile on the people that use the product.
As I conclude, I would advise companies not to waste their precious time and money suing a company for infringement. On the contrary, they should concentrate on carrying out extensive market research to determine the trends that will sell for their companies. Fake print just discovered a selling sport for its products and utilized it to the maximum. If other companies followed suit, we will be talking of a healthy competition where companies will be able to satisfy their customer need. Companies should always remember that customer is always right even when it comes to selection. I consider fake print to be creativity that needs to be appreciated in the market rather than being considered as an infringement.
Popular Fake Print Argumentative Essay Examples
Type of paper: Argumentative Essay
Topic: Brand, Fashion, White Collar Crime, Market, Products, Cyber Crimes, Company, Business
Pages: 3
Words: 850
Published: 01/16/2020
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