The birth control advocates saw the administration of methods of controlling birth as a way to relieve women from excessive bearing of children (Seltzer 2002). However, contemporary world does not share the same point of view. Instead, it sees the use of birth control pills as a solution to the underdevelopment problem in the third world countries. This is not, however, true. The economic development advocates do not share the same point of view with the world either. There is more to development crisis than just population size. Industrialization and the rate of job creation also affect the development of a nation. However, reducing population also, in some way, affects the development: though not entirely.
The United States government should not stop supporting agencies that offer provide the third world countries with contraceptives. The American government is known to provide aid to those in need. The thought that rapid population growth rates in the developing countries may make the population high to the level that the governments in these countries become unable to give their services due to few the few resources available is troubling (Seltzer 2002). The government of America is, therefore, helping these countries.
Immigrants into America are both a resource and a liability to the American economy. The skilled emigrants bring along with them the skill which increases the total output in the industries. As a result, increased competition of the industries in the national and international markets is experienced. The unskilled immigrants, on the other hand, cause an increase in crime in the society. This results from their lack of employment due to the low qualifications to the various job openings. Immigrants in general increase the cultural divergence in the country.In return, this enriches the American culture.
Age-sex pyramid at a summer camp would be an expansive pyramid. This is because the population mostly contains the young people as compared to the elderly. This is contrary to a retirement home where the population mainly consists of the aged rather than the young. The pyramid at a retirement home, therefore,would be constrictive. Conversely, a college town would have a stationary pyramid. The population at the town would consist of an almost equal number of the young and the aged. With the current reduced birth rates, the population of the United States in 30 years’ time would be stationary. A gold mining town in 1849 would have an expansive age-sex pyramid while the Dakota oil mining fields have a stationary pyramid
Seltzer J., 2002.The Origins and Evolution of Family Planning programs in Developing Countries. Santa Monica: Rand Corporation