Powerpoint Reviews
Article 1/Presentation 1
- I don’t remember reading in the article that the participants were given extra credit. At any rate, why do you think that the awarding of extra credit would lead to a loss of confidentiality?
- Why do you think that random sampling would be preferable for this study? Would students of any age, any level, any gender, and any educational background be appropriate for the research?
- In what way were the authors overreaching in their interpretations? Wasn’t their acknowledgement of the study’s limitations enough to assure you of their objectivity in their presentation of the findings?
Article 2/Presentation 2
- Why do you think that random testing would be useful? Don’t you think that the level of the participant’s comprehension skills and the degree of the reading material’s difficulty would make a difference?
- Do you think that the statistical significance of the results in this research was enough to indicate the validity of cloze tests as a measure of reading comprehension?
Article 3/Presentation 3
- You say that participants should be solicited through volunteerism, Do you think this is sensible, considering that the participants for the study were 7 year-olds?
- You say that the researcher’s objectivity can be compromised because of not playing a detached role. Do you think the researcher can conduct this particular research by being detached? If so, how do you propose it to be done?
- You say that parental consent is necessary prior to performing the research? Do you think that not getting parental consent would have any adverse effects on the participants?