The following are privileges that my neighbor experiences based on social class and gender: he got a chance to study in the best school in the area, gets more attention from some teachers than other students get and had the most votes during the students’ leadership elections. My aunt was entitled to a certain amount of money from the husband when they divorced; my friend’s mother is automatically not required to be family’s breadwinner despite her huge wealth and women and children were rescued first from a fire outbreak in a nearby shopping mall. Only the females experience these latter privileges.
Some of the privileges I experience in life give me an upper hand to perform duties in the society. I am enabled to live quite an easy life compared to others who do not have them. The women’s privileges mentioned above are unavailable to the males because the males are considered as the breadwinners of their families regardless of their wives’ wealth. Furthermore, they seen as stronger, faster and flexible than the female therefore, in case of an emergency they are in a better position of saving themselves.
The following privileges are unavailable but enjoyed by other groups in the society: in case of an emergency, public gathering or boarding buses or trains, most of us females are given an upper hand than the males. My disabled friend also gets a chance to be served first especially in banking institutions.
Costs and benefits of providing full benefits and training to part-time workers to the company
Most companies that offer full benefits and training to part-time losses have a chance of suffering costs. For instance, my uncle’s shoe company suffered the following: the company spent a lot of money in the initiative, the workers only worked for a certain time therefore; the company’s production was minimized. Furthermore, some of the workers decided to quit after receiving training to work in other companies. In so doing, the company suffered huge losses. However, the company also benefited as the training increased the efficiency of the workers in their working. Moreover, some of them decided to work full-time hence was maximizing the company’s production.
Risks of using company work-life policies
The risks are same for both male and female employees. For instance, my aunt devoted more time at work than her family and ended up divorcing the husband. On the other hand, my neighbor is lost in his work all over the world that he has forgotten all about his responsibility as the breadwinner of his family. My cousin risked losing her job because she decided to spend three days with her instead of two as required by the company she works for, during a family reunion ceremony.