In the coming year, I would like to practice as a daycare teacher and specialists in providing childcare training programmes. My rapport with children and high affinity to impart knowledge on others has led me to choose this field of practice. Confidence is a major proponent in ensuring that I trust in my abilities and will be able to impart important knowledge on children in the formative years of their lives. The highest academic qualifications can enable me attain major honors as a certified teacher in daycare. Being a certified preschool teacher is the best fit for my career. To obtain considerable practice in the field of daycare am required to attend at least a 50 hour a week internship that specializes in daycare teaching and childcare programmes as this will provide valuable experience in dealing with children. After which an exam will be undertaken to certify my credentials as a Certified Preschool Teacher.
During my practice as a trainee teacher several activities have to be made including the assessment of the families’ expectation towards the daycare Programme as well as assessing the needs of the children. A Daycare Basic Assessment Tool will be required to assist in ensuring that one understands the basic information on the background of children to apprehend how to deal with them in a manner that enables me to relate to their background. Social context is important for children as it shapes their character and behavior as this is a vital stage in the development of children according to Howes et. al. (1992). The family of the child also provides a significant assessment on the child as they are involved in the day to day activities and care of the child. A family support system knowledge is also useful as one’s family has the greatest impact on the child as the child derives character from what he/she learns from the family at such a young age. As the internship progresses, other tools like the lesson plan unit tools shall come in handy in the provision of information. This will assist the child lessons are carried out, and the Programme notes for outdoor activities that children are engaged.
Theories that will assist in child development include the principles used by Erikson in child development. Erikson believes that children development is affected by the challenges they meet in everyday life, and this is instrumental in the development of children. The stages of preschool teaching are critical in the development of children as they provide the necessary psychological qualities that are consistent with the child to adulthood. Activities that will be used in the daycare programmes need to reflect the well-being of children as they are required to maintain a foothold in the development of children. Daycare activities need to include activities that enable a child to be autonomous by ensuring that not all items are provided for the child but helping the child make simple life choices. The third psychological stage for Erikson is most important as it involves children at their preschool stage, and thus they require to be taken care of comprehensively according to Munley (1997). At this stage individuals, it is crucial that early childhood education teachers help children assert themselves and exercise control over their activities thus this is an important role for preschool teachers that affects my professional outlook Development of children is built around several areas that include the social, cognitive, emotional, literacy and language levels.
The human ecology theory is also fundamental in the human development of individuals as it indicates how our immediate environment affects us as stated by Bubolz and Sontag (2009). As a preschool teacher among the most basic principles is the microsystem that shows how the direct environment has an impact on the lives of children. As a social agent to children, there are various social interactions with children, and they contribute to the social development of children.
The factors above are extremely critical in the role of a daycare teacher. An assessment tool is required to ensure that there is an evaluation assessment of the core levels that the children have reached. Different roles are undertaken by the teachers in providing daycare teaching based on age thus roles have to be diversified. The evaluation of the children ensures that there is a formal concurrent evaluation of the child at every step. This will aid at checking the assessment of physical and cognitive skills. Literacy levels are critical especially in the role undertaken as a daycare teacher thus instrumental, and this should be conducted in such a manner that all children can gain valuable knowledge from their childhood stages that may impact the intellectual levels of children in the future.
Munley, P. H. (1977). Erikson's theory of psychosocial development and career development. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 10(3), 261-269.
Bubolz, M. M., & Sontag, M. S. (2009). Human ecology theory. InSourcebook of family theories and methods (pp. 419-450). Springer US.
Howes, C., Whitebook, M., & Phillips, D. (1992, December). Teacher characteristics and effective teaching in child care: Findings from the National Child Care Staffing Study. In Child and Youth Care Forum (Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 399-414). Kluwer Academic Publishers-Human Sciences Press.