Based on the research proposal on resource conservation, the work has presented a sufficient study that discusses all the required components. In fact, it provides a basis through which packaging of materials can be understood in light of the wastage that is presently being witnessed. However, a question that can be asked from the research proposal is that what kinds of packaging materials can be effectively recycled? This question is fundamental for the ascertainment of the materials that can be taken back by the concerned authorities for purposes of recycling them. The report adequately addresses the factors associated with sustainability encompassing its relationship to social equity, ecosystems, and economics. This is fundamental because it brings about a broader picture of the research. A similar project as has been mentioned in the proposal is that which has been done by the Napa County in California. The project has stricken a balance and thus fully relevant to the proposal. (Buxbaum)
Homework #1- Part 3
The second research proposal concerns a project that aims to replace an eight-mile section of Highway 101. This is a notable proposal because it seeks to impede the impending danger that may occur in the case of a landslide or when the road ultimately collapses. Questions regarding the expertise, costs and also the technologies that will be utilized in the overhaul of the road do arise. Based on the factors of the project’s sustainability, they were sufficiently addressed consequently bringing the right picture of the project. On a personal level, I am not aware of where a similar project was undertaken. However, in spite of the project appearing to be too broad in terms of the achievability, it is of a good course because the authorities spend a huge chunk of resources in the maintenance of the road. Its implementation should thus be undertaken so as to mitigate the costs associated with the repairs and the dangers of being washed away.
Work Cited
Buxbaum, Marisa. "Plastic Packaging Waste • Nifty Homestead." Nifty Homestead. N.P., 2016. Web. 11 July 2016.