This documentary ‘Pandora’s Promise’ directed by Robert Stone; determine us to think extraordinary and ask an unstable question that is we should learn to stop worrying and love nuclear power? Pandora’s promise, 2013 documentary film on nuclear energy it’s central argument is that nuclear energy, which still faces opposition from advocates of the protection of the historic environment, are a source of safe and relatively clean energy, which can help alleviate the serious problem of global warming manmade.
Pandora promised to ask if a procedure we fear most that can save our planet from a climate disaster, with the capacity to raise the billions of people in the developing world poverty on saving energy. The controversial new film, Stone tells the personal stories of intense energy and environmental experts who have undergone a radical transformation from being largely hostile nuclear pro- sharply, risking their jobs and reputation in the process. Stone reveals that the controversy within the movement and face-to-face environment with the defection of stories heavyweights, including Stewart Brand, Richard Rhodes, Gwyneth Cravens, Mark Lynas and Michael Shellenberger. Undaunted and independently, without fear, the promise of Pandora is that the teacher's work is forever changing discuss myths and science behind this deeply emotional issue and polarization.
Perhaps the most determined of ‘Pandora promised’ critical documentary recently released in nuclear energy producer and director Robert Stone, not giving screen time to a spokesman for the anti-nuclear credibility. To have an idea of what people missed after the opening of the film recently at the Jacob Burns Film Center in New York. The New York Times arranged debate between the Robert Stone and the Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to test the spirit that could not miss much after so much both talked about the nature of the nuclear energy itself. Kennedy was determined by Revkin as "Professor of Environmental Law at Pace University and leader", a claim validated by the performance. As projected, Kennedy opened his attack with criticism: the documentary is "an elaborate hoax", "dishonest" and "almost all of the truth, which serves as a fact is incorrect or misleading." He then proceeds to give full of dishonesty and methyl facts that are presented as facts are either incorrect or misleading. It begins with a statement of any thought, "I'm with nuclear energy, if we can make economical and safe" - is clearly not open to try any. Security and it starts with the old false and Price Anderson Act. "In this country," he says, "can be for nuclear power plants do not get insurance and people say on Wall Street, you're too risky to secure." Robert Stone abruptly replied on Kennedy’s statement, “More you peel the onion more strange things come out.”Kennedy commented on economy by doing comparative analysis between nuclear power plant and solar energy/wind energy.He said “There are 69 nuclear plants under construction around the world - they all come in a lot less than the cost of a plant in Finland, which is the largest number being in China.” Industrial electricity prices are 50% higher than the national average, while all nine western states surrounding is lower than the national average. Kennedy stance was that world is moving towards renewable energy and nuclear power plant comes under the category of non-renewable energy that is neither cost efficient nor environmental friendly.
The biggest concern, the enthusiasm and the motivation of Robert Stone in the first place was the ideology of hatred of nuclear energy, which can lead us to lose focus on the real objectives. The elimination of carbon energy portfolio that energy system is moving on fossil fuels on other side the energy available to the poorest people around the world. Stone thoughts were that his nation need everything wind Yes, Yes, solar energy, but also nuclear.He asked Kennedy that our goal is specific simply more and more solar wind or should be implemented on wide scale with wide perspective. He further explains the coal resource dwarfs all others, both in the subject of health effects and carbon emissions, accelerating worldwide. The truth is that anti-nuclear policy and community and led them to seek more coal, and more and more carbon from the health consequences, not less. When Japan was closed after the Fukushima nuclear facilities, coal consumption rose same happen in Germany closing nuclear plants led to the construction of new coal plants. In each of these cases, the clear priority is not global warming, which closed its nuclear power at any cost that trumps everything else.
One can neither see this debate nor conviction struck Kennedy had at one point, he puts his head in his hands to show his frustration. He asked himself what the ideology of fuel such passion and desire to stay in a lot of situations that only leaves control. Whatcauses it cares more about the cessation of nuclear energy to stop coal? What explains the raw desire to promote an irrational fear of radiation, knowing that the human toll taken by that? One commentator summed up as the baby boom environment of fear that any nuclear thing grows from deep historical root, it must be very difficult for the opposition tribal self-identities expects nuclear energy. Perhaps today we are debating between the points of view of our energy future and the only thing that separates them is whether or not nuclear power should be included nuclear power is critical because of the contribution they can make on armament strategies that is milestone towards world’s catastrophe. Stone appeal is that this film will allow a more rational discussion of these very important questions every one hopes his thought can be the part of reality. As majority political analyst claim what we see is not reality it’s all illusion. This discussion can be conclude by the political philosopher Machiavelli who state realism i.e. man is mean by its nature this is the reason friends and foes are not permanent only interest are permanent. On keeping in view Italian philosophy nuclear technology can be the source of disaster on one side and cheap source of efficient energy on other side.
Jowett, G. S., & o'Donnell, V. (2014). Propaganda & persuasion. Sage.
Stone, R. (2013). Pandora’s promise. CNN Films, Atlanta.