Communication plays an important role in society and in the capture of human cultural and human values as well as social experience. This particular form of human interaction with other people makes possible the mutual exchange of views, ideas, interests, sentiments, attitudes, etc. When it comes to the realm of nursing, good communication depends crucially on the quality of care provided to patients (Kourkouta, and Papathanasio 67).
The theory of language culture as a special linguistic discipline offers to put the following definition. Thus, communication refers to the set and organization of language means in a particular communicative situation. It should be indicated that this ability to exchange information is an innate ability of every human being. According to Kourkouta, and Papathanasiou, facial expressions, posture along with gestures play a significant role in the health care setting, since through such non-verbal messages people also communicate.
The effectiveness of communication is the "final product", the creation of which should facilitate cultural theory of language in its practical application. It is worth noting that effective communicative process occurs when the communication goals are achieved. Communication goals are closely related to the basic functions of language. Technologies of effective communication are the methods, techniques and means of communication that provide full mutual understanding and capacity for empathy.
Communication is a complex socio-psychological process that entails three main aspects, namely communicative, interactive and perceptive. The key aim of nursing is to serve the patients’ needs, however no intervention is possible without communication. During my clinical experience, I have realized that effective communication presupposes the ability to listen and express genuine concern for patients’ health. It is pretty obvious that communication as well as a good interpersonal climate within the clinical environment make a difference.
Works Cited
Kourkouta, Lambrini and Papathanasiou, Ioanna V. Communication in Nursing Practice. Materia Sociomedica 26.1 (2014): 65-67. Print.