Which of the two major political parties in the United States is most likely to face alignment in the coming years and why?
In the USA, many voters tend to identify with one political party. It can be because of the party’s political ideologies or identifiable group factors such as ethnicity, religion, and socioeconomic classes. However, the loyalties may be changed and the voters gravitate towards the opposing party (Brooks). Party realignment occurs when a big bloc of voters who previously voted for one party does a massive shift to the rival party and remains with it for a prolonged period. Following the current political climate, the Republican Party is most likely to face realignment in the coming years.
The realignment can be attributed to a variety of factors. It can be caused by the people’s perception of the Republican candidate who won the presidency. The USA has evolved into a multicultural melting pot which accommodates the needs of people of all kinds; immigrants, women, homosexuals, the poor, and various races. Having a president with a strong stand against such groups puts the party in a position of conflict with the ideologies of a large portion of the nation. The Republican Party seems to disregard the changing demographic characteristics of the American people and its implications. And in this era of social media and advanced communication, dissatisfaction with the governance is likely to spread and build. By the time of the next election, I believe a large group of previously Republican voters would have changed their loyalties to the Democratic Party. The predicted shift is likely to result in a strengthened and sustained Democratic political domination and a massive reduction in Republican Party support at the national level (Siegel). The 2020 election is likely to be a realigning one.
Which of the two major political parties does your ideology most align with?
I am more aligned with the ideologies of the Democratic Party due to several reasons. It is representative of the diversity of the American people. Its ideologies seek to accommodate and address the needs of various groups without discrimination. It is evident in the stand on major issues affecting the American people including; taxes, unions/labor, marriage issues, Obama Care, crime and punishment, education, energy and environment, immigration, and agriculture (Vote Kentucky 1-9). Concerning immigration, for instance, immigrants should not be barred from moving to the USA because they contribute towards the economy and the rich culture. The undocumented ones should not be deported but instead given the opportunity to undergo processes required to earn citizenship; legal documents, paying taxes, and learning English. Criminal acts by a few immigrants in the form of terrorism, human trafficking, drug cartels, and gangs should not be blamed on the whole group. After all, USA was founded by immigrants. I support the need for an immigration system in line with the nation’s economic goals as well as the values and laws of the nation.
However, it is vital to note that there are aspects I am opposed to such as the stand on abortion. My personal ideology supports the sanctity of life. The decision to terminate the life of an unborn child should not be solely left to the mother. It is disheartening especially in cases where one engaged in irresponsible sexual behavior only to later abort the innocent unborn child. In the case of nonconsensual pregnancies, I believe life should still be valued. The mother should be encouraged to carry the pregnancy to term and give the baby away for adoption if she does not want him/her. Concerning this issue, I am in support of the Republican Party.
In conclusion, the 2020 election in the USA is likely to see a political realignment in favor of the Democratic Party. Following the changing demographics of America and the recent election of a Republican president not sympathetic to various groups, many Republican voters are likely to shift loyalties to the Democratic Party which is more representative of the American population and its needs.
Works Cited
Brooks, David. “Time for a Realignment.” The New York Times, 9 September 2016, https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/09/opinion/time-for-a-realignment.html?_r=0
Siegel, Mark. “A New Political Era: The 2016-2020 Realignment is Underway.” The Huffington Post, 8 August 2016, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mark-siegel/a-new-political-era-the-2_b_11392304.html
Vote Kentucky. An Unbiased Comparison of the Democrat and Republican Platforms on Major Issues Facing America. Democrat and Republican Platform Comparison, n.d., http://www.votekentucky.us/Dem%20and%20Repub%20Platform%20comparison.pdf