When shopping for toys for the baby, it is important to select items that are just entertaining and age-appropriate but also dolls that will boost their imagination, cognitive development, and creativity.
0-6 months
According to Wilmot (2016) infants uses their senses to learn things that are surrounding them. In the early stages of life, babies are unable to grasp objects with their hands. However, they enjoy exploring the world with the aid of their eyes and ears. Therefore, brightly colored toys and those that make noise are the most appealing for the young infants and the newborns. Also, Wilmot (2016) contends that once infants develop abilities to reach the objects, it is imperative for the parents to provide toys that are safe for mouthing and those that are textured. Some of the commonly used toys include cloth toys, rattles, safe mirrors and chime and musical toys.
6 months -1 year
Most of the infants at this stage have well-developed motor skills which they use to play with toys that are exciting them. Studies by Wilmot (2016) babies at this stage enjoy playing with toys that they can manipulate and push since they can sit. Besides, playthings that can be manipulated by opening, shutting, banging or taking are important in developing the motor skills of the infant. Once the child starts crawling and walking, playthings that can move along with them are thrilling at this stage of development. Some of the commonly used toys at this stage include push-pull toys, soft balls, pop-up toys, simple musical instruments and stacking and nesting toys.
1 year- 2years
The interest and abilities of children at this stage tends to be different from the previous stage. Wilmot (2016) note that children at this stage of life are explorers. Besides being curious, toddlers are this stage possesses physical abilities that make it easy for them to learn and play. Playthings that require the child do use his physical abilities like walking; climbing, riding and pushing are recommended to busy toddlers. Also, toys that can be manipulated and those that require experimentation are critical in enhancing the mental development of the child.Futhermore, Wilmot (2016) reiterates that children learn a lot by imitating their parents and teachers and fancy props that enhance their life skills. Bath toys, puzzle with knobs, play vehicles, simple shape sorters and wagons are the most appropriate playthings at this stage of life.
2-3 years
Here, children love playthings that test their physical skills. Toys that can encourage jumping, throwing and active play are the ones commonly used at this stage. In addition, toddlers at this stage have a well-developed hand and finger coordination system. It is imperative to provide playthings that can enhance basic arts and crafts skills, simple puzzles and puppets. The imaginative play is also critical at this stage. Play screens, water toys, hand and finger puppets, balls, vehicles, wagons, play house and sand toys are the most appropriate at this age.
3-6 years
A study by Wilmot (2016) indicates that children begin to play with each other actively. Children at this stage enjoy acting out grown-up roles. Children are very imaginative at this stage since they like using costumes while acting the adult roles. Also, children at this stage have a special attachment to specific toys. Arts and craft and creativity using hands are popular among this group of children. The most commonly used playthings include construction toys, puzzles, and bicycles and play screens.
6-9 years
Children at this stage have the ability to think and reason. Wilmot (2016) contends that activities that require reasoning are enjoyable to this group of children. Also, children at this stage enjoy seeking more information and experiences. Video games, tablet sports and science sets are appropriate at this age.
9-12 years
Most of the children identify their talents at this stage. It is important to provide experiences that will make the child develop his skills. Sporting equipment, musical instruments, and board games are the most appropriate at this stage.
Wilmot, K. (2016). All kinds of toys for kids listed by age. Retrieved from.Rhttp://toys.about.com/od/toysbyage/tp/List-Of-Fun-Toys-And-Games-For-Kids- By-Age.htmetrieved from.