Group Work Related to Language Acquisition.
Group Work Related to Language Acquisition.
Language acquisition involves the use of different aspects of language areas to gain a larger perspective and understanding of the English language. Linguistics is characterised by in-depth research on various literature areas, language development areas and the issues that have had an impact on the English language. The principle of group work is that several interrelated topics are crucial for the development of linguistics comprehensively, and thus the several areas of interest can be studied interrelatedly to check and ascertain their effect on the English language. Language acquisition is the means as to which individuals learn to comprehend and perceive language. This apprehension assists in the learning of languages that aids in communication through the use of meaningful words and sentences. Language acquisition in this topic area mainly consists of the acquisition of the first language but second language acquisition area have been covered as well.
Empirical theories for testing of language and the theories that guide such theories have been used extensively to provide more information on the acquisition of language. Language acquisition is dependent in how learning capacities are picked out by infants and learners of second languages. Language development may also be as a result of social interactions that exists between individuals and the social factors as well as environmental factors. Language has undergone a lot of refinement throughout the years that is indicated by language extensive testing, research and incorporation of all factors that have led to the development of language and have a significant impact on its acquisition.
The purpose of the literature review is to carry out an extensive research and study of old materials that may aid in the understanding of Group work related to Language acquisition. Enlightened and knowledge of the various proponents that influence language acquisition also form the basis of the research. That includes the use of research tools, corrective errors of languages, teaching forums, children education, understanding of language teaching concepts, second language teaching and the use of the internet in language. These are some of the areas that are to be studied in the paper to provide a literature analysis about the assignment topic on group work relation to language acquisition. Several parameters shall be considered in the selection of the appropriate articles that are relevant to the area of study.
Review of the literature.
Areas that are to be covered by the literature review about literature review of group work related to language acquisition are:
Language Testing.
In their view of language testing to help gain more knowledge about language testing the article by Bacham indicates that over the last twenty years, there have been considerable changes in the language research spectrum. New areas of research have been revealed as language testing takes new dimensions in the research material as validation of research procedures have been earmarked to help improve the quality and development standards of language testing. Practicality in testing has been modified through technological advancements with web based programmes currently under use to assess procedures and assessment of language processes according to Bachman (2000). These methods are more applicable in the current dispensation as the programme is a real validation tool. Language testing has developed notably in the use of second language acquisition that has led to changes in the knowledge background and academic disciplines.
My personal critique of the article is that language testing will be considered professional in the current century, and this will improve language efficiency by vehemently investigating the validity of performance levels for linguistics through fairness of test scores. Linguists are defined through the means at which they can validate and confirm fairness issues in language as language testers. Increased sensitivity should be provided to ethical questions to enhance the diversity and complexity of the approaches of research as we provide information on their use. Research agendas in linguistics should comprehensively cover the theoretical considerations in linguistics as well as the practical realities and perspectives that encompass the linguistical language. The article is relevant to the area of study as it provides more knowledge about the study topic.
Language Teaching.
Language teaching is an important area that aids in the acquisition of language. The article shall provide an analysis of the role of teaching in developing cognitive teaching methods. In the journal and book by Borg (2003) teacher cognition is an area of interest as it provides the thought process behind the teachings presented in language and consists of what teachers think, believe and know and the interrelatedness of these teachings as indicated by Borg (2003). Detailed analysis is provided into the mental lives of teachers with several parameters being absent while some issues remain unresolved in the area of language teaching which have yet to be solved from a teachers cognition perspective
An analysis of the article indicates that decision-making is a critical aspect of cognitive education. Variability of the teachers understanding is important as it improves the consolidation of the domain parameters which is cognitive education. Social and institutional contexts of the classroom environment are crucial in the study of the activities of language teachers. Contextual factors have the ability to influence cognitive thinking, and thus, the research article is relevant in its context as it describes in a precise manner the thought process of teachers and how societal and environmental issues affect the thought process.
The role of technology.
Technological advancements have led to significant changes in the field of linguistical teaching and practice. This section will critically appraise past research in the area of technology and its impact on language. In the article on computer-aided assistance asserts that technology has heralded a myriad of changes in today’s world. Language is no exception with computers being used extensively in the area of language teaching. According to Lee (2000) stages at which computers were included in the instruction, the process has been divided into three distinct periods. The main drivers of the inclusion of computer in education have been motivation, student achievement improvement, aiding in experiential learning, individualisation and widening the scope of information source while improving global understanding. Those above are some of the key reasons as to why computers have been incorporated into learning.
In my opinion, particular challenges are faced by computers aided language teaching that include financial barriers to the access to computers. Costs may be associated with hardware, software and maintenance of computers. Availability of equipment and software that meets the needs of tutors is also a barrier faced by teachers. Language has been a beneficiary of computer aided learning with new software providing assistance on the language discipline. The Periodic change in the technological advancement has earmarked the acceptance of the impact of computer-aided learning. Language education is now accessible among various platforms that assist in the learning and understanding of language. The article is very comprehensive, practical and provides the current features that characterise the changes in contemporary society in technology and their various impacts on the different aspects of language.
Dealing with second language learners.
This section intends to provide more information on the handling of students who are studying second languages as various characteristics affect language acquisition. In the article by Rebecca, Oxford teachers are urged to be more efficient in understanding their students, especially for second or foreign languages. Differences in individual characteristics must be decipherable in areas like sex, anxiety, risk awareness, self-esteem and cooperation especially in the learning strategies and styles as indicated by Oxford (2000). The article provides an overt analysis on the differences that exist between students that may have an impact on institutional practice. Age has a significant influence on learning of languages. This is because language learning is considered an innate ability that depreciates with age. Differences that arise due to sex are as a result of the different strategies that different genders employ in the use of learning strategies. Women use much more strategies as compared to men and employ them more often as compared to men according to Oxford (2000). Motivation based on behaviour and attitudes may affect the learning of second languages as motivated characters will predominantly be more interested in the subject as compared to less motivated individuals. Language teachers for second languages can learn a lot from an understanding of their student’s opinions. However, research from the article is inconclusive.
In my opinion group, related language acquisition is affected by character; traits can considerably hamper the learning of second languages by students, but this is not an accurate measure that may affect the learning of any language, and this should not necessarily be limited to second languages. Consequentially anxiety and motivation are critical parameters that influence the learning of second languages. However, they are not clearly defined in the context of learning languages thus; they are not an accurate measure of their success as they are solely based on attitudes and can be based on a state that may not be consistent over a period, thus to quantify results on individual moments may be faulty. Age is a variable that can considerably change the learning ability of an individual however individuals with advanced years can still learn foreign or second language albeit with distress, but this does not hinder their learning ability.
Corrective Process of literature.
This section provides an in-depth analysis of the disciplinary process of writing and how the acquisition of literature is affected. The journal by Polio indicates that the nature of English education is inclusive of various correctional processes. According to Polio (2012), the effectiveness of written error has been a major contentious issue among researchers though most of them are of the view that it is incompatible with second language acquisition (SLA). Second language acquisition on different approaches that include second language studies has a great impact on the future of SLA.
In my critique analysis, the methods used though different are instrumental in ensuring that written error correction is adequate based on various conditions. The author has authoritatively and definitively approached the theory of written error controversy from a different perspective. The article is comprehensive as it elucidates the notion of written error communication through the views of the author that he carries out efficiently.
Linguistical studies.
This section provides information on the impact of different linguistical studies on language acquisition. The book by Mello et al. (2014) explores the several prospects associated with spoken corpora the applicability and use of corpora are checked with the perception of language analysis and pedagogy. The volume is a specified collection of various papers that identify and explore the prospects associated with the validation of data that is consistent with corpora research. Survey and current research on corpora are provided extensively in the book indicated by Mello et al. (2014). Analysis of corpus data is important in the contribution of professional English as used in contextual areas that include language learning and interpretation. Lexicographic and lexical studies and grammatical studies which are frequently utilized in the exploitation of data.
In the critique of the use of corpora and analysis techniques in areas of language acquisition, it has come into my consideration that the use of corpora does not necessary mean that corpora are capable of solving all the problems associated with languages. Corpora, however, does not provide negative information thus it is assumed that everything presented in the corpora is as a result of the users production. Additionally, corpora do not offer information for what can be observed, and this has to be provided by intuition. Usefulness of corpora is also limited to the research areas that are under investigations.
Language Teaching.
Language teaching has an enormous effect on group related language acquisition as methods used in teaching have a direct impact on one's understanding of the English language. In the book by Stern, a detailed analysis is provided in the interdisciplinary and technical know-how of the English language. The author gives an analysis of the English language by providing teachings and areas of improvement for the language that have significantly influenced the literature of the prospects of English. As emphasised by the author good teaching practice is founded on a sound theoretical understanding as indicated by Stern (1983). Nothing is as practical as the theory of literature, and the book provides critical information on applied linguistics, language pedagogy, and education thus is important in the provision of information on the concepts of language and literature according to Stern (1983).
In a critique analysis, it can be determined that the author of the book has provided critical information that is beneficial to language and acts as an essential guide to the reader on an understanding of the language. Areas covered are consistent with major areas of teaching thus improving understandability and comprehension of the text for the user. The information provided herein is necessary for the assertion of language teaching and learning.
English Teaching Forum
The forum through which students are taught is important in determining how well language can be effectively acquired. In the article by Shin (2006) the English language is being taught amongst a variety of learners worldwide especially in the tertiary level with its acceptability growing rapidly from a global perspective. The teaching of the English language, however, does not necessarily translate to expert and quality teachers as there is a need for flexibility to be used to ensure that the very basic tenets of the English language are understood. According to Shin (2006), several challenges are faced by young learners including short attention spans and are susceptible to over demanding activities. To impart knowledge, young learners need to be placed under conducive conditions that will ensure that young students can effectively learn English as indicated by Shin (2006).
After analysis of the authors work it can be ascertained that the article is very realistic and practical in the issue of teaching English to young learners. I concur with the methods through which the author suggests that are to be used for the acquisition of English language skills to young students. The learning-teaching process is a vital area in which methods of teaching are discussed through their various aspects to guarantee that young students can learn the English language efficiently.
In conclusion, the areas tested indicate that language acquisition is affected by several factors either as the English language acquisition or for second languages. Each and every literature item covered provides a detailed analysis of language acquisition that is used to develop a critique analysis on the validity of research material. Conclusively language acquisition is mostly affected by teaching practices and modes as well as a grasp of literature at a young age. Testing methods are instrumental in ensuring that language meets the required standards for the betterment of communication and language teaching.
Bachman, L. F. (2000). Modern language testing at the turn of the century: Assuring that what we count counts. Language Testing, 17(1), 1-42
Borg, S. (2003). Teacher cognition in language teaching: A review of research on what language teachers think, know, believe, and do. Language Teaching, 36(02), 81-109. - Language Teaching.
Borg, S. (1999). Studying teacher cognition in second language grammar teaching. System, 27(1), 19-31.
De Bot, K., Verspoor, M., & Lowie, W. (2005). Dynamic Systems Theory and Applied Linguistics: the ultimate “so what”?. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 15(1), 116-118.
Lee, K. W. (2000). English teachers’ barriers to the use of computer-assisted language learning. The Internet TESL Journal, 6(12), 1-8.
Oxford, R. (1992). Who are our students? A synthesis of foreign and second language research on individual differences with implications for instructional practice. TESL Canada Journal, 9(2), 30-49.
Polio, C. (2012). The relevance of second language acquisition theory to the written error correction debate. Journal of Second Language Writing, 21(4), 375-389. - Annual Review of Applied Linguistics.
Raso, T., & Mello, H. (Eds.). (2014). Spoken Corpora and Linguistic Studies (Vol. 61). John Benjamins Publishing Company
Shin, J. K. (2006). Ten helpful ideas for teaching English to young learners. In English Teaching Forum (Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 2-13).-
Stern, H. H. (1983). Fundamental concepts of language teaching: Historical and interdisciplinary perspectives on applied linguistic research. Oxford University Press.